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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. In a hypothetical and parallel instance......imagine the world without an America and it's negative set.
  2. The ever fashionable generic cycle of Political Identity of the Month Club. As if there might be a difference. Part and parcel of the misdirection/sleight-of-hand show that most are drawn into.
  3. I believe an offered death penalty might be a better choice. No jailings, fines, bail or parole.
  4. Oh well. Guess we'll to wait for the influx of the usual trashy mix of Farang visitors [and residents as well]. That'll make everything quite ok, won't it....... ????
  5. Yet, isn't that how it's all being practiced the world over today with the broad loosening of protocol and restrictions here and there. Some are opting to continue to wear masks [in public situations], regardless of local situations and many more aren't - whatever one chooses, shouldn't be looked upon as wrong or right or any such proposed political motive...it just is. Asians have been voluntarily donning facial masks for decades, usually during the so called cold/flu "season" just as a matter of course......without the ideals of being political, some universal authoritarian mandate or fabricate fear. Why should such a subject matter be breeched or debated in such a fine and convoluted manner - COVID or not?
  6. Indeed. If ya haven't noticed, some don't do humour here. Even of the sleight-of-hand euphemistic or metaphorical twist. Completely lost.
  7. This'll keep 'em busy and the population misdirected for some time........as it might be everywhere. Just something else to be overly concerned with because they said so.
  8. Instead, it's made up of cycling politicians/corporate-types/militarist [one and the same] that are highly sensitive and easily offended to whatever challenging or questioning criticism that might be tossed their way....even when it's well deserved - which is all the time. Seems to be a universal trait among all of our "leaders", as more often than not they all tend to be of an unscrupulous character - regardless of their proposed makeup and background. Not that I'm defending Prayut, just suggesting that he sits among fine and broad company without comparatives. Rascals. The lot.
  9. ......and these base ideals of relocation appear to be the fashionable trend of the last few years, as the broad Thai immigration policies and regulations become increasingly ridiculous and suppressed, creating a very unwelcoming sense. Laos and Cambodia have eased and somewhat "liberalized" there long-term/resident protocols, making it much more attractive to jump - especially Laos, where the culture and language are already comfortably familiar.
  10. Must be a Generation[s] Haven't A Clue thing. Never mind.
  11. Remember that the invented and apartheid state of Israel only pursues activities with the select permission and green light from Uncle Sugar.
  12. A side of a more disconcerting note might be to question the continuous reference of a "Prime Minister" Prayut. He's not truly that, is he? Even by way of technical and legal terminology. Should be disturbing for most, yet it's not.
  13. Why can't these people learn to be just like us..... ????
  14. Indeed. Let it be known [officially] that the end is near. Best to get your affairs in order........accumulation and consuming as much as possible in the time that we have left. Woe.
  15. You need to get out more, as these characteristics have been most commonplace throughout the world for ages. Perspectives and observations might vary.
  16. Though, in a round about twisted manner, they are extremely good at what they do. Has to be admired. Well knowing that the collective populations [yes...us] aren't terribly connected and have diminished cognitive skills. Oh well.....????
  17. Wearing Farang naivete while in public....
  18. A good hearty Tom Yum or Khao Tom [with all the fixins] before retiring. Guaranteed.
  19. The term public requires some clarification. Do we mean public as in: community? Or public as in: government?
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