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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Real Old Hands aren't what they used to be.....
  2. Sure. More cynical folks might suggest that there's an angle somewhere in the mix, which has little or nothing to do with the well being of the population or beneficial to the commons. Just sayin'.
  3. Chosen or not, they'll always be back in one disguised form or another. The nature for decades upon decades. The crux. And still, only a handful have the skill to recognize. The same club all around.
  4. All of which we have fallen [and forced upon] under the dominate spell of the last two-and-a-half years. The seeds of slumber were precisely planted and maintained for some time now.
  5. It's a bit sad and ridiculous that the Thai authorities and "scientific" community haven't really caught with any logical reasoning as applying to present day COVID and society. Still appear to be ten steps behind a good portion of the world and present COVID-related management/policies. It's an officialdom learning curve thing combined their traditional knee-jerk authoritarian patronage shadow on society.
  6. Very Thai establishment and elitist circles. Might we expect anything less? Wonder why they bother with such stories.
  7. No. It's about imagined and deluded boggieman politics. And certainly plays easily into the hands of the the usual anti-China crowd. Anything will do.
  8. ....and some are quite apt at concealing their make believe riches.
  9. ....and there's a reason why some jovial circles refer to your beloved PBS as: Pentagon Broadcasting System/Corporation or Propaganda Broadcasting Service.
  10. Loyal and privileged club members are never looked upon as wrong doers.
  11. Expect exorbitant price hikes in airfares everywhere.....
  12. Guess that would be dependent on whose invented valued, repeated narratives and credulous influence one chooses to imbibe. The deep conventional and mind numbing sources, even though overwhelmingly dominate, could easily be challenged and questioned by thoughtful individuals - sadly, this is not the case.
  13. I supposed that would be dependent on which familial clan you speak of, which could go into the numbers. Yet, as we contemplate influential criminal families and their extensions, there is only one that stands out heads above.
  14. With all the time lapse, it appears that too many have forgotten who Marky really is and is feeling left out, betrayed by the club.
  15. Appears that everyone is joining the fertilizer club these days. The usual suspects have long been engaged.
  16. Might this be a passing hobby or proposed scientific research? Whatever.
  17. ......and then there's the deep-seated protection rackets that encompass particular traditional circles, never taken into account - regardless of the situation.
  18. Oh dear. They do fancy themselves by way of some deluded heightened enlightenment, don't they. As it continues on.
  19. Amazing how that works, huh.... We could all do with less impute from experts.
  20. It's quite obvious that the whole of the educational systems - from top to bottom - requires a complete makeover, as to removing the traditional/subliminal patronage, political and profiting schemes that inundate schooling across the board.....forgetting the that educational practices belong to the general fitness and well being of the commons, not proposed systematic agendas.
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