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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. These people. Why can't they be more resembling of us.
  2. Indeed. Surprised that many haven't picked up on the obvious succeeding pattern of bureaucratic and wishy-washy rhetoric that is very Thai officialdom. Bound to come about in time as it has and as it will be. The lesser knowledgeable and wise show their truer colours by going on and on ad nauseam and incessantly about it month after month, not realizing that this episode is an extension of the complex theatre that is Thai. For all you whinging types, expect it all to be dissolved in a very brief time. Rest assured.
  3. Yeah, considering that they were the principle creator of the Khmer Rouge - allying themselves would come natural. Seems to be a repeated history of American foreign policy.......maintaining and inventing relationships with unsavoury types.
  4. That would be the case, for sure. It's well understood that his comprehensive and conversational English is embarrassing at best. There are numerous instances/examples caught on video as to his child-like inefficiency of the language.
  5. Nothing wrong with old school. Eventually, the cultural fashions reverse themselves to what is practical and real.
  6. A better suggestion and possibility that such reality takes a wide variety of forms without relying on a singular absolute. Reality is just a reflective imagination of each and every individual.......and life forms.
  7. Bingo! The Corporatism model has been the universal economic/political practice the world over for a few generations.
  8. A serious subject matter that hasn't received too much surface attention of the last two-and-a-half years. Ironic, as it might be the real story of the Covid era and has continuously effected tens of millions worldwide......as applying to long term conditions of disability.
  9. Create trouble and we'll find a way to cast you and your 16 MPs aside. Their history takes precedent.
  10. Poor misunderstood Farang. Always the victim.
  11. Such societal rumblings of challenging and questioning the faux and mindless authority [certainly en masse] will be slow to evolve when the greater percentage still feel a romance [to varying degrees] towards traditional patronage.
  12. Been strongly suggested by every circle for some time now. They simply aren't getting it - if they ever do.
  13. Under the presumption that governments [generally speaking] exist for the betterment and well being of the population? Some might suggest that's not what their place is at all - observations historically as well as current times might be a helpful clue. Why must we be so indoctrinated that government [as a body] is to be looked upon as a positive benign and benevolent entity?
  14. Much too simplistic and straight forward for the obviously confused Thai officialdom to reason with.
  15. Even better if government didn't involve itself whatsoever in business or associated over lording.
  16. Appropriate. And most will miss the subliminal message and picture.
  17. More than likely - just as every other well intended era dilutes itself. Yet, with each passing generation, all seems to becoming less real.
  18. Should be looking forward to the black magic types coming around to advise. Provincially dependent, of course - as it varies from each locale. Never can be too safe. ????
  19. Yes, of course. Anti-Establishment, indeed. Quite the fashion.
  20. Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace. ~ Gore Vidal War is a Force That Gives Us Meaning. ~ Chris Hedges
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