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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Appears that the authorities and media brought these sorted dilemmas on themselves regarding the mish-mash manner in how they handled the COVID Era as well having little farsighted strategy regarding the education infrastructure. Even more so, they lack the recognition skills as to how to resolve such things. .....and they're still asking why?
  2. Life was better here, all around, some 30 years + ago as such applied to true long-term residents.
  3. So much for the simple ideals of a free, open and competitive market -
  4. Yet, these disguised [in a manner] and slighted policies have been the order - long before COVID. This Cooties Era just allowed them an excuse to further their established and covert mindset, bringing it to the accepted surface.
  5. Perfectly legit. As we was the selected one. Along with the appropriated blessings/permission. That's how things have worked here forever.
  6. Because there isn't any true wealth anywhere and most make up things outta thin air? The universal economic practice.
  7. Looking forward to the next era of manufactured and manipulated hysteria. Wonder what they'll come up with next.....
  8. In many instances, it might be be best to remain silent. This, in one of numerous threads that are proof of such hypothesis.
  9. Wow. This is almost embarrassing. Way behind the curve. Should've been implemented a year ago with all the usual protocol of in-class teaching in order.
  10. Uh-huh. Quite appropriate. Though, too many won't get it whatsoever.
  11. It's all about the make believe identities.... Keeps the false wheels spinning.
  12. Which seems that most are oblivious of and the deeper schemes that have been prevalent forever. Yet, we'll analyze, discuss and become caught up in the trivial factors of comparative PMs and governing bodies as if all was truly meaningful. The theatre, and it's usual players, continues on without a glitch. And we'll continue to go on about invented surface things that has nothing to do with anything. It ain't rebellin' if you're buyin' what they're sellin'.
  13. Yeah. Any and every story of this nature just assures us all that these things don't need to be mentioned - it's plainly understood as it's a way of life and how business is conducted. Largely rhetorical. Why bother.
  14. Most have been hoodwinked in regards to this forum and others like it. Taking with a grain of salt should come natural for those more astute observers. Quite obviously, that's not the case.
  15. Even more so, the real influencers at the top. Never a mention.
  16. Ironically, flooding that came about because of the incessive expansion of industrial/business parks [largely underwritten by Japanese et al] upon the natural flood plains.
  17. Yet, anything/anyone that is traditionally associated with the establishment system isn't truly challenging, is it? How easy it is for too many to be manipulated as to what is real opposition and what isn't. Commonplace the world over.
  18. This fashionable catch-all terminology of soft power appears to be the current rage. .....and repeated over and again before it looses it's defined luster and value.
  19. The staunch military loyalist who single-handedly turned things around for the commons during these trying times. ????????
  20. Defined standards as to what is perceived logical? Absolutes and semantics might play a deeper role.
  21. A bit dodgy.... A number of recent pieces under the auspices of AN News regarding referencing Thailand/things Thai that come across with little [newbie] knowledge of the place.
  22. ...and even fewer have the ability to recognize the homogenous redundancy and repetitiveness.
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