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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Very scientific.....to peer and speculate as to what the near or distant future might provide. ????
  2. The reference to freakish or odd comes by the way of the more traditional period when the "rainy" season didn't really kick in until very late into June. Rain throughout March and April was quite unusual, as the hot months begin their cycle. Anyone with any experience and exposure to the last three plus decades understands that it's quite common and off kilter that the rains seem to start up consistently start up before or soon after the Songkran period. Even the so called dry/coolish period of "winter" have seen more and more unusually wet January and February of the last decade. Back when, many farming circles [that are weather dependent] could intuitively set their calendars to their growing seasonal farming practices.......not so much the case anymore. It's all a challenge and a guess for the post-Songkran period.
  3. ....all of which were never managed and configured very well to begin with - and continue to be unnecessarily perplexing. Most reasonable folks might be logically in agreement as to the complete lifting of the convoluted schemes that persist. Yet, we're speaking of Thai authoritarian circles - not having a reputation for being reasonable.
  4. Yes. Remembering that such traditional celebratory observations have little or nothing to do with a morphed Occidental mindset. Guaranteed that the overwhelming percentage of Farang [even long time fanciful residents] haven't a clue as to what Songkran might be or what it represents.
  5. You seemed to have omitted the the usual Farang factor of unnecessarily living beyond one's means. The Western mindset would never understand acclimate to the concepts of simple and comfortable living. Added - the somewhat secure feature of traditional social and familiar extensions instilled into savage cultures makes them much more evolved - certainly in these days of false wealth and what is valued.
  6. If it's anything, it's all been quite a marketable, wishy-washy and at times illogical soap opera for some 6-7 months. The overthinking and rethinking of the ongoing and ever-changing schemes has certainly been profitable for particular circles, as that's the only thing that seemingly matters. Wonder if we'll ever known how this story concludes.....
  7. Some might suggest that there's never been any real working democracy to be rid of - so any of these points would be moot.
  8. You'll find that popular uprisings, historically, are projected as an overwhelming desire by the majority - where, more often than not, such activities are a mainstay of a trickle of folks. All about the notions and image - repeated often and loud enough.
  9. Commonplace and traditionally hard-wired among most Occidental tribes, though certainly not thoroughly recognized in this fashion, instead chase a dreamy and fanciful state of false evolvement.
  10. Could of been called a couple of years ago and resembled little real difference from today.
  11. Wonder how he collected all those lovely awarded decorations and ribbons? ????
  12. Bit of a dreamy scheme, as there's no cycling profit in the offing.
  13. No one from the club to be sure. ???? Untouchable. ????
  14. And yet, both are toward the lower end of the corruption spectrum - taking their orders and direction from the real controlling clique. It's the roots that require attending to, less the odd branches here and there.
  15. There are those who have already suggested [certainly of the last couple decades] that the base lese majeste law would be exaggerated and unethically tweaked as a broad blanket ruling, straying way away from it's original intent. And will continue to see this particular and prestigious law overvalued and used discriminantly and willy-nilly by the preference of the select ruling classes. And yet, over all these years and decades, we still haven't figured out the true crux of all issues and problems.
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