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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Another remedy might be to live one's protest.......if you're capable and engaged. Most aren't. That's what they bank on.
  2. But...but...but....but are you suggesting there is this misconceived understanding that a new dawn awaits regarding political chivalry?????
  3. That would only apply if particular circles continue to get their cut.....
  4. And almost always of better quality then what passes for the commercial <deleted>. Been produced locally for ages - illegal or not. Within most circles it's the preferred elixir. The perfect conduit for Ya Dong.
  5. These things have been quite evident for a good decade now. Don't know if the Thais have the moxie, determination or logical sense to catch up.
  6. The historic connections are so deep and varied. Why is there such debate along these lines. It is what it is. The Orient has always been a suspicious enemy and competitor for ages.
  7. Nice... Yet, I'm sure such logical statements will be lost by most.
  8. Ho hum. The usual read. Competitive and culturally-centric misdirection and sleight-of-hand.
  9. Chicken wire type is much more aesthetic. ....and not terribly difficult to condition one's chooks to use it as a home base - nightfall and laying.
  10. Should've been intelligently approached in this manner some two years ago. Oh well....
  11. Global sanctions, indeed. Repeated often and loud enough it becomes true. In this instance, the promoted global sanctions translates as a few selected imperial-reflected holdings and enforcement. If one is carefully observant and lesser engaged in the hypnotic state, that most of the world isn't imbibing or buying into it.
  12. Yet, quite advanced as an extended social and familial order - compared to some circles of the world. Real thinking perspectives will differ.
  13. This has been suggested without much knowledgeable thought behind it. The Netherlands lowlands and the larger reach of the swampy river basin that makes up the greater Bangkok Metropolitan region are completely different beasts - geographically, climate, soil dispositions, etc. Such a task that the most competent civil infrastructural engineers couldn't solve - even your beloved Dutch variety. Dacca [Bangladesh] might prove to be a better comparative example to work with than that of Amsterdam and environs. The lower great basin/flood plain of Thailand is an incredibly vast area that is quite complex in it's natural state, let alone when we add a century plus of "civilising" concrete and asphalt where it wasn't meant to be. The early inhabitants of this vast and unpredictable region had it down throughout the latter part of the 19th century well into the 20th century. Such well laid plans and strategies were destroy with the onslaught of modern civilisation [whatever that is]. It's been too late for quite some know.
  14. It's quite obvious that the punditry throughout this thread is impressively reflective of the ignorance and naivete of the Occidental/Eurocentric historical perspective and indoctrination of how things really work.
  15. And still, few are able to connect the dots of similarity. Nothing changes.
  16. The world would do itself better if such attention was focused on the true instigators of most of the troubles that plagued this world - the Western oligarchical systems.
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