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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Buying into the proposed and conventional narratives - repeated loud and often enough - is never worthy for your truer soul. Always astounding as to how the majority [the dumbed down] are taken hook, line and sinker. Most everything, within these particular sheepish followed circles, is make believe and manufactured.
  2. Or.....a more solid inquiry as to why government requires itself to part of our every breathing moment and general existence.
  3. The classed company that he had kept throughout his later years speaks volumes as to why this is considered a news item.
  4. Yet, in these weather related incidents you'll find that Thais rely largely on their familial and closer community senses to get by - less the authoritarian set. This is the manner in which it's been practiced for ages.
  5. ......a wannabe and fanciful charlatan of spectacular form. Consider the circles he keeps.
  6. I believe we're barking up the wrong proverbial old tree. It's certainly not Thais that are starved by way of particular cultural pursuits as well as greater cognitive abilities. That might apply to other special entities.
  7. It's all about the best interest and the general well being of the people. Of course it is.....????
  8. Yet, the influential elite ruling classes and patronage are still around and aren't gonna give up the show that easily - if at all. We can speak of proper parliamentary/democratic change and the lovely rhetoric associated, but all will remain of the same old cycles unless a people's collective revolution and thorough cleansing is enacted.
  9. I have suspicious hunch that the current standing of the TP/T&G program will be relaxed and dissolved before long. I'm guessing May/June......??? Perhaps, even the crooked and least cognitive Thai authorities are becoming terribly weary of the whole scheme at large. Viewing and comparing the growing lifting of similar restrictions/protocol around the world might be an indicator. The prime example[s] might be to have a good look at our broader Asian neighbors and how they're all proceeding. Not surprisingly, Thailand is behind the eight ball.
  10. Appropriately said. A bit mystifying as to how many aren't able to [or won't] acclimated or adjust to local conditions. Quite numbingly dependent on Western-style supermarkets larder or "specialty" online/brick-n-mortar Farang food shops, where they'll naturally pay premium prices for such <deleted>.
  11. And intelligent reasoning, among the masses, has little to do with anything - less this current affair.
  12. ...or the numerous other places at the hands of the beloved U.S. and their Anglophone cousins.
  13. One might, firstly, define what democracy is and where it's practiced in truer form. Today's definition of democracy as seen the world over might be: Oligarchical Corporatism.
  14. This has been a standard [and excepted] practice forever regarding forced or voluntary exiles of political and scholarly note. There are countless individuals of exile status and worthy standing that don't receive the press and attention that the terribly influential Shinawatras do. There might be caveats attached to the slobbering romanticism that are the Shinawatras - usually dismissed are there deep skeletons within their respective closets. Yet, if we are using comparatives.....anything would be better than the ruling circles of the last several years.
  15. This expected and conventional condemnation towards current Russian activities. The predictable band wagon jumping is certainly not being observed by everyone. Independent and alternative perspectives regarding a truer vision and whataboutisms over world affairs might be offered.
  16. One seems to sense this ever-reigning cloud of repressive provincialism with a touch of twisted xenophobia.
  17. Lotsa of unsavoury and suspicious scratching of backs going on here....
  18. It's ok when the good guys get on with such barbaric activities......even looked upon [and excused for] as civilised in some twisted manner.
  19. Just another victim of the Coup Of The Month Club, which seem to cycle around for decades.
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