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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Well sure. The whole Covid Era has been one big magnificent ruse - worldwide. As many circles are just learning of the long standing connivery - jing jing......
  2. The consistence coolness we still might expect for February, as the mean temps gradually change and rise by March. It's this freaky and consistent rain - not just localized, but all over - that is quite unusual for this time of the year. The odd occurrence that nature throws us is quite stimulating.........keeps us on our toes. [able to get the tobacco in just in time!] Wonder if this is a sign of another super hot April/May looming.
  3. You need to go to the highland locales where it's grown........local specialty shops, local markets and roadside stands, one can find Thai tea of the better grades. I quite enjoy Thai teas, as they're reflective of the Chinese strains which are preferable throughout the Asian market, less the European. Of the last decade or so, the Thai grown teas have come of age by way of selected quality. Very similar to Thai grown coffee, which has developed a world fashion following of particular quality. Both are coming of age throughout this incredibly competitive market.
  4. A more contemporary [2013] and somewhat insightful tome to read might be The Bangkok World, by Denis Horgan - former and long time managing editor of the BKK World in the 60s/70s. One might be disappointed in the read, as he they didn't get into the politics of the forced takeover, and subsequent nasty demise of The World, by the Bangkok Post gang. Still well researched and full of insightful memoirs of the time. Worth the effort to obtain this edition if one has any such interests along these lines.
  5. The Thai elite aren't gonna give up their cushy status any time soon. The revolution will not be televised.
  6. Not only was the BKK Post underwritten [and partially founded] by clandestine American interest, but largely set up to serve the Thai ruling elite convention and promotional schemes - as the, by then forced into closure, Bangkok World was the antithesis of the usual state-run and promoted broadsheet - during it's day, the World was defiantly anti American wars in the region as well continuing to challenge, question and critique the over lording Thai establishment. Therefore.......it had to go. The romantic notion and fallacy that the old and long surviving Bangkok World easily morphed into the newly formed Bangkok Post group is a bit of a stretch on the reality of the times. Those were the days.
  7. Songkran isn't a Farang observant celebration. Has little or nothing to do with Farang. Keep this in mind.
  8. Shouldn't bother. Too many have been deeply caught up in the indoctrination and established narrative, failing to absorb anything else that might shine true.
  9. So....when might this change be coming? And will it be real change?
  10. Nah. Not that cut and dry. Cultural character will be quite different - one from the next. Comparative values have little to do with anything.
  11. The special and created internet/cyber age. Ain't it grand. Coming back to haunt.
  12. Oligarchical and Corporatism forms of Democracy. All of which, is practiced the world over - for ages - by way of varying forms. Most apparent in the free and independent West.
  13. But....but...but, all this takes place for well being and benefit of the people.????
  14. From the beginning, it was a false emergency and the deep conventional narrative that followed.
  15. Another coup is a real possibility - enacted just to keep things active and off-balance/distracted. It appears to work out in their favour consistently. Prayut will be ask to step down, instead of being removed - a soft coup, sort to speak. Should always expect the same revolving players, though the stage might be adjusted slightly. Remember. Thai tradition rules the roost.
  16. I believe it all might be too late for these less-than-foresighted revisions. Let's see........how many confounded changes have been in the works? Typical Thai authoritarian think.
  17. Must be one of those illusional chosen ones that don't really know how things work here.
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