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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Just as well. Much more beneficial with less and less Farang monkeying around and in residences.
  2. Does it really matter which Mafia group is running the show? Most everything just cycles around.
  3. The farce has expanded greatly beyond comprehension. Has little or nothing to do with the perception of health and well being. Purely political at this stage.
  4. Cognitive distortions are quite commonly understood among these circles. Surely, it's a cultural affliction. One needn't go too far to observe such tendencies - almost to common within this venue. Don't expect the afflicted to recognize their deeper fanciful manner.
  5. There have been some odd rumours milling about of late that by March the TP/T&G [and test again]/revised edition will thrashed in place of a straight forward one time pre-flight PCR test and approved certification of vaccination.......and one is free to roam. A grain of salt is required to contemplate such things.
  6. Who truly benefits in this so called upswing? The elites classes. Never mind about the real base and backbone of any said economy - the everyday working classes.
  7. Nice try Mike. But you might know as well as I do that nothing will ever come about in the spectrum of change until the influential and controlling roots of the great tree are thoroughly removed and banished. Speaking rhetorically about trimming a few surfaces branches, here and there, will improve the situations - it won't. The branches will work their way back, because they're nurtured to be so. That's been the reality that some choose to ignore for whatever reasoning that befits them.
  8. The instinctive familial, social and community extensions are quite strong here - as it might be throughout most of the traditional world.
  9. ...and those that escaped the political prisoner tag [over decades to present] still remain exiled and are the most vocal.
  10. Sukhothai, Chiang Mai, Ayutthaya, Khon Kaen - just to name a few more. I believe if one has sussed it out, can find numerous SHA/test approved accommodations throughout much of the country. Most of which [outside of BKK Metro] have just come about in the last month.
  11. Appears that Valentine's Day is a political conduit as well. It's all about the love. Of course it is.
  12. Doesn't mean ya can't find it. You'll find that a greater percentage of the smaller shops ignore such mandates. Always have.
  13. Wag the dog and sleight-of-hand scenarios. They're very good at what they do.
  14. Frankly, I might suspect that none of them have a great desire to "host" foreign [Euro-type] retirees. Nothing terribly special about this crowd.
  15. The placed B300 entry fee should be of little concern - quite nominal and trivial. This might apply to any situated policy - Covid or not. What should be rescinded is the general TP program, which was a mismanaged disaster from the start - redone and redone again to no one's pleasure. And they're still not coming - holidaymakers and longer term travellers don't wish to put up with this BS. And the all-wise Thai authorities still don't get it whatsoever. Doesn't appear their mindset will differ either. Might learn from Asian neighbors and observe the success that they're all having as such applies to reopening strategies.
  16. With all due respect to the Moving Forward folks, I would have to think that they could use their time and effort to address the missed larger picture - for the commons, instead of particular pet projects. Don't believe that Thailand's current political scene can afford to be mucking around with such isolated and esoteric issues. We can get back to these things after the revolution is won.
  17. Some of us wiser types are still awaiting the collective realization of populations worldwide being hoodwinked - It'll come.
  18. Tell that to the dozens upon dozens that have been casually and secretly growing it for quite some time. With or without the standardized blessings of the aged authoritarians.
  19. We can only hope.... The diminishing numbers are quite encouraging.
  20. Perhaps. But, you'll be reminded that all situations don't fit nice and neat into tightly wrapped [and stereotypical] standardized analyst. Every life scenario and circumstance will vary greatly one from the next.
  21. Now we just have to slowly diminish the Farang element. Better every day.
  22. Yeah. A lovely and championed tale of changed loyalties, yet nothing will really come of it.
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