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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Or....the particular Covid tests that can identify one variant from the other.
  2. I do look forward to the day when most become connected and aware of the deep theatre that's being played.
  3. Not authentic, as they're using local products of inferior quality [not local Asian quality] and many real items in Asian cuisines cannot be found nor imported. Like yourself, too many are fooled. Shouldn't surprise.
  4. After nearly two years a consistent 2.4% fatality rate [of 400-500 million infected], one would think that intelligent and free thinking folks would've wised up by now.
  5. Quickly becoming saturated by extreme cultural-centricity of a unsophisticated and fanciful manner. Time to get off.
  6. Curious to wonder if this God is Caucasian and English-speaking? Noted.
  7. All of which is faux Asian fare modified to fit the backward American [and other Anglophone cultures] palate.
  8. For decades, actually. You might want to grasp a better understanding of the historic relationship between both long time regimes.
  9. Aside from all these assorted skeletons, they desperately need to reset their long held reputation reflected of a corrupted in-house cronyism business acumen. Warm and fuzzy rhetoric won't cure their ills......a better sense of international business practice might come in handy, though - which is all quite moot, as the carrier remains under the custody and direction of the same principle parties that ran it into the ground years ago.
  10. Lifestyle and particular types of spending/purchases might be reflective of such claims. The general cost of living hasn't really risen that much, whatsoever, in the last decade or generation or beyond. A few things, here and there, have seen some slight increases over the years - but for the most part, everyday life is still quite reasonable.
  11. Or even determined to be the dreaded Omicron. Do they know for sure? These general standard Covid tests [not accurate] aren't able to decipher one variant from the other.
  12. Remembering the good old days when one could freely order Beer Lao to be delivered [by the cases] to one's backwater locale. Alas....
  13. Must be a deeper Occident cultural thing....
  14. Don't think it's the beer, or any other alcoholic elixir, that might be the cause of such inner anxiety.
  15. Yep. Lotsa second guessing, speculative hindsight and well placed mismanagement the world over. Thailand has company as to what could've/should've been done and misplaced practices. Sometimes, the right call - at other times, not.
  16. And a much stronger familial and social extension.....and less fanciful lifestyles/thought.
  17. Appears that the OP belongs to the class of the typical cultural-centric ignorant troll. Not worth a response.
  18. All this... Dependent on the company one keeps. Quite revealing.
  19. OH....on the contrary - still quite available through selected locales. Need to get out more.
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