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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. All governments manage and manipulate their particular fallacious currencies. Part and parcel of the fanciful existence that we participate in for ages.
  2. I've always questioned [in a most curious manner] the supposed intelligence and knowledge of said foreigners as it applies to Thai affairs and society. Largely, twisted irony...
  3. What level might this entail? Observations of everyday Thai society and life must be in short supply to those usual suspects that don't comprehend.
  4. Coffee? Hah... A couple shots of Ya Dong would suffice nicely........for those "nice girls" that might imbibe.
  5. Not to worry - nature is presently working on her selected extermination plan as we speak.
  6. Quite concise. Yet, the militarism paradigm extends much much farther than a couple decades. One might consider this measured entity to be ageless - the patronage relationships are rock solid.
  7. Yet, it's not truly sworn duty - as they weren't elected. They sit in their positions by way of illegal and prejudicial selection. Highly contradictory....if not paradoxical.
  8. Stepping back just enough so as they might be scheming their next move. Sleight-of-hand.......nothing up their sleeves.
  9. The real bad news is that such a scenario will be largely accepted by the population. same as it ever was.
  10. Mine [uneasy motion] is in the lower intestine and bowels.
  11. A creepy percentage of this circle that you speak of are increasingly obsessed with the ideal that Thailand should follow and mirror everything that is the West.........especially from disconnected Anglophone types. A sad and unaware state to what these folks are.
  12. Simply resolved. Be rid of those that really run the country.......by hook or crook. Come the revolution.
  13. Why can't these savage Thais be like us? Imagine the possibilities. ????
  14. Perhaps or perhaps not. If historical precedent is a reflective factor regarding current affairs, a true mass pushback will develop from a dreamy outsiders perspective, less a Thai take on these situations - who know better as to their state.
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