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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. To be expected, yes? Isn't that what they all do.
  2. Indeed, Michael. A seemingly false and disconnect intellect appears to be all too common within this platform.
  3. The deeper influence and manipulated strings of militarism is still very much part and parcel of the government/establishment make up - regardless of the mock civilian governments and the faux elections. Been the essence of the ruling elite for ages.
  4. Indeed. Appears to be Mr. Newton's forte......over and again. Yet, many are still hypnotized.
  5. And this so called medical stay at the prison hospital is another bit of trickery, satisfying those who think he's gonna be surviving time.....he won't be. Guaranteed. A deal was brokered some time ago. If one truly gives it some deeper consideration, wouldn't surprise some if he had a significant hand in the manipulation of the supposed election/post-election malfeasance of the last few months where the outcome, and eventual control, was clearly in their favour. Perhaps the folks behind the curtain have something else in mind. All this was a clearly a round about twisted coup......and passed right by most observers. Oh well. It is what it is. No harm, no foul. Onward with our lives.
  6. Regardless of what we might be reading or hearing.....nothing will come of these proposed rumours or officialdom. A deal has been made. Come on people, wake up.
  7. Played well by the ruling class. Those that might've been expecting something different were clearly delusional. It's how things work everywhere.
  8. And still....most don't seem to get it. It's the way it's always been. Oligarchical reasoning.
  9. Ahhh....all is well with the world. The coming weeks and months should prove to be quite fascinating. Things are never what they appear to be. ????
  10. 20 years? That's too easy...... How 'bout the last 70-80 years. Much more appropriate. Cheers!!
  11. Fair play. Though old Thakky was just following the play book of nasties that has gone unnoticed for decades.....for which the secret establishment has been practicing for quite some time. Alright for us but not for him and his circle.
  12. I imagine that there might be others in attendance....or from a distance. Finalizing the deal.
  13. Don't be too long. Can never have enough innocent souls in our midst.
  14. Convenient that we are sucked into convention by experts to corner our thoughts that there are only 12 personality types. Vacant of any such suggestions to challenge or question the restricted classifications that are made up for us. We're to easy.....per usual. Dullards. Might be even more intelligent to consider that there are much wider varieties of character and personalities that can be counted - infinitive. Oh well. Never mind.
  15. I suspect it won't be long before we see the influential core of PT morph or splinter off into a new version - It appears that factions of the old school PT aren't terribly pleased as to what they've become.......
  16. Indeed. Misery loves company. Applies greatly here.
  17. Aside from these familiar charities, they've long had a reputation of bad and corrupted business acumen.
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