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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Criminal organisations. Why do we accept and put up with this s**t?
  2. Some just don't have the ability to acclimate and adjust. Preferring to exist in their invented misery.
  3. Giving the orders is equal to pulling the trigger.
  4. Indeed. Those that have researched deeply, regarding this era, should encourage others to dig for themselves - as there is a wealth info related to the criminal and immoral behaviour and shenanigans under Thaksin's approving watch.
  5. Almost guaranteed, all these secretive activities were related to the make believe and obsessively paranoid "war on drugs". Under Thaksin's direction, there were some real nasties strategies involved - most hush hush. But a few scandalous events leaked out publically.
  6. All too common throughout the 60s and 70s by way of the dictatorial powers that be. .....and certainly rumours of this brutal nature during Thaksin's reign. So, what's to say that all of these clandestine nasties aren't still occurring in spotted instance......say, for the last 10 years? No era is without guilt or charge.
  7. .......and they all lived happily ever after - just like in real life.
  8. He, and others, are usually protected by such accusations in a variety of manners. Certainly won't be touched upon by the military/elite controlled media.......or outside agitators/activists, who are almost always dealt with through an unjust conduit.
  9. Stocking up on popcorn, I am...... ????
  10. Originally used while in the states while attaining his doctorate. Somewhere throughout the years, the name has been synonymous as a parody by him and others.
  11. I can envision that this whole charade of an election and the criminal fallout of a soft coup was planned this way. Enter: the Sinawatra clan. Sleight-of-hand.
  12. Still astounded that we're caught up in this fabricated red-shirt/yellow shirt nonsense. What they do well is continue to keep us divided.
  13. This would apply to those who really don't understand the society but still imagine that they do....
  14. More than likely. The truer deal that's already been worked out.
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