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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. I can envision that this whole charade of an election and the criminal fallout of a soft coup was planned this way. Enter: the Sinawatra clan. Sleight-of-hand.
  2. Still astounded that we're caught up in this fabricated red-shirt/yellow shirt nonsense. What they do well is continue to keep us divided.
  3. ......or hung in the public square.
  4. This would apply to those who really don't understand the society but still imagine that they do....
  5. More than likely. The truer deal that's already been worked out.
  6. What type of democracy? In comparative form, don't think one could find an example of this beloved democracy anywhere - as it doesn't exist and certainly isn't practiced.
  7. And yet.....most still aren't comprehending who's pulling the strings during this latest boondoggle. Easily distracted and even less knowledgeable.
  8. Which manipulated version of the constitution?
  9. Antibiotics don't work for viruses.
  10. Broader communities that are Farang vacant. Paradise.
  11. The real bosses are observing and mused.
  12. As he's not popular nor politician of the year among the most influential and controlling circles. Not terribly difficult to figure out, even when your comment was made rhetorically.
  13. You might be shocked by the 27th turn. Personally, I believe they'll be a higher intervention regarding these current matters. Expect to find the same old face as the caretaker government will be extended under emergency decree. .......until a new scam election schedule can be initiated. 5555555555555....????
  14. Prayut. Prawit. Anutin. Thaksin.
  15. There won't be a "next May". How innocent.
  16. To be pedantic, it's a Yellow/Pink establishment.
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