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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. If one is knowledgeable regarding contemporary Thai history, surely one would recognize the borrowed playbooks for decades of the very Thai unique military/oligarchical brethren of the past - like looking in a mirror. If it works, why muck it up. .....and very distinctive to Thai/Thailand.
  2. Haven't a clue is largely what they thrive on. Don't believe these things will ever change. Been of this manner for some time - especially of the last couple of decades when resident/long term visas/immigration policies took to being overloaded with unnecessary bureaucracy and baffling conditions - creating a less than desirable place for not hanging around. As some of us know, expat/resident lifestyles was different ages ago. A win-win for all. Evidently, they didn't see it this way.
  3. Appears that our fearless and upstanding PM wannabe needs to shed a few kilos. Just saying like.... Lardass comes to mind.
  4. Would you really expect them to? Or any hypothetical Thai govt [over the decades] to pursue such policies?
  5. Let's face it, almost all of the larger Asian national carriers have left TG in their dust years ago......
  6. Indeed. There are perfectly enough of our own Thais to meet and serve these tasks of slavery, as a healthy percentage have been taken advantage of for years.
  7. Better bet that most of their relatives, friends and associates have some sort of familial connection with Isaan.
  8. Thai Airways might be the perfect reflection of a Thai state enterprise. Based on underhanded political graft and incompetent business acumen.
  9. I might remind that despite their so called private sector status, almost all of those "freely independent" operating carriers enjoy a variety of govt subsidies and assorted gratuities. This is the case among all commercial airlines.
  10. Some might suggest that Buriram, and other neighboring provinces, are still quite Kamen.
  11. One could challenge the honesty and honorable integrity of Chuan if he turned a blind eye to the traditional corruption and criminal organisations that were of his choosing -
  12. Truer and more realistic observations is what I find as well. All about lifestyles and living within one's means. The familial and social extensions remain dominant.
  13. More of a class-oriented thing than what might be referred to as racist.
  14. Thai governments [of past and present] don't have a terribly decent record/history to show any such empathy or compassion regarding war-torn refugees. The historic examples are numerous. They don't treat their own with any such character or dignity, so why extend it to neighboring "foreigners'. Good Buddhists that they are.....kinship of historied military govts of the region usually turn the other cheek.
  15. That's how it's always worked - even in "normal" times. The respective airlines are asked to act as gestapo authority and a go-between for govt/immigration/visa policy.
  16. Actually, I would imagine that in these times there should a common bond among "regular" folks, as a collective for the so called rebellious youth. Instead of being practical and constructive for the cause.....they cast stereotypical divisions among themselves in a most petty and immature manner. And we still wonder why the movement isn't going anywhere.
  17. On the contrary, all the deeper clubhouse associations are varied with common/esoteric Thai subject matter - most of which, members here wouldn't have a clue as to what's going on.
  18. Well.....whatta ya gonna do - they're politicians. It's what they do.
  19. Unwittingly, we've all been engaged in these types of activities forever. Playing the game, as to be expected. It ain't rebellin' if you're drinking what they're sellin'.
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