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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. The greater issues remains the controlled and restrictive number/variety of political parties in the mix. Most assuredly, these basic democratic principles scare the dickens out of the traditional ruling elite [including the extended Thaksin Mafia], as the squabble among themselves by way of cutthroat positioning and favoritism from high places. The more things change the more they stay the same. The perfect metaphor as such applies to Thai political theatre.
  2. Knee-jerk conditioning to be fashioned with the long held traditional view of the uncivilised and barbarous Orient and other deviant Third World [whatever that is] places - and repeated over and again. Whereas, if reality was a harbinger, one will find that these deviant and perverted activities are far more prevalent throughout the heralded civilised West. The imagined cultural superiority tends to be terribly blind to what is and what isn't.
  3. You'll be reminded that none of this has anything to do with the health and well being of the people. Other priorities will certainly take precedent -
  4. The wholesale lifting of club, restaurant and alcohol restrictions will come about by the first/second of January. The Thailand Pass nonsense will probably be eliminated in the first quarter of next year [March/April...??] Just a guess from understanding and long time observations of how Thai authorities do things - by these dates, they'll be able to recover their seedy profit schemes with little effort. ......and the Thai population will be satisfactory in vaccinated numbers well into the booster coverage.
  5. Well constructed. I wonder if it's ever been considered that this is how they want it - the general incompetence uneasy ability to reason - regardless of how all of it might come across. A sad state to be sure.
  6. There seems to be more than a few here, within this illustrious venue, that most certainly need to get over themselves.
  7. The real crime might be that a good percentage of the driveling populations don't recognize the scam.
  8. Well understood and should tell you everything one needs to know about the Shinawatra Clan. No substantial difference between the traditional ruling elite and themselves. And so it goes.
  9. The hub of all world grandiose aspirations which never pan out to expectations....
  10. Actually, I'm quite astounded as to the number of applicants that took the process on straight away, not really comprehending that it was sure to have some basic and expected snafus associated. I believe the wiser folks will give 'em a month or two to sort out the glitches and obvious faux pas - in which, most of these things have been updated or fixed. A much much simpler and straight forward process could've been designed from the get go - no need for this Thailand Pass scam. Vaccinated only entry - Tested prior to flight checked with airline - No arrival testing or bladdy one night hotel bs - No insurance requirement - Visa processed in the normal fashion - The new "Thailand You're Good To Go" entry plan.
  11. This Thai term [like many] shouldn't be looked upon transliterally - The medical term refers to a loose translation of Hyperthyroidism or an overactive thyroid condition.
  12. Falsely bearing entities that are seemingly highly influential and manipulative. The deeper contradictions and hypocrisy is what they sell. Part and parcel of the easily taken Kool-Aid packages available.
  13. Your GODS are political by their very nature. Why is this?
  14. Yeah. Recalling the good old days of long-term stay/residency visa situations - before the advent of marriage/retirement visa types [O/OA] - could step out of the country for a day [even less] every three months.......one could do this forever. And many did. And then the restrictions and control policies kicked in.
  15. .....and the deeper more consistent Thai references that he pretends to play upon require upgrading, as his deception isn't working. I'm sure many are fooled - yet, a handful aren't.
  16. But one can pass it on to the next of kin and the broader community, where a sort of kharma effect kicks in. Or not.
  17. Fuzzy and warm sleight-of-hand rhetorical newspeak. Practiced universally, for those who might not be paying attention.
  18. Even more bemusing are the practices of simple intelligent reasoning that there might be a difference between principled establishment branches that come from the same tree.
  19. There are numerous circles that are sensing the rising change and beckoning a new dawn. Though, all will require baby steps - and most certainly will be dependent on the Thai society, as a collective, to reengage/rethink the stringent ideals of being ruled over to a more cultural "people's generated" cooperative. Don't know if the notions of fresh political identities are warranted to romance, as they might not truly be any different than what has been offered for decades on - success and change won't be born of hypnotic political rhetoric, but more of the population's societal will. In the meanwhile, it all stands as the usual political theatre and false stage shows [like it is everywhere the world over] not befitting the commons, but instead the expected players.
  20. Regardless of the opinions or theories of why this strong and clear attempt at a come back, he has been quite visible by way of a number of Thai alternative outlets - live broadcasts, interviews, discussions, etc - of the last couple of months. And with other subtle movements within the Thai political underbelly, it's quite obvious that something is up. More interesting to note, that the very bonded Thaksin infrastructure has never made a play at reconciliation with other political "opposition" camps, preferring to show their truer colours - of which many aren't prepared to recognize.
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