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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Where abiding familial and social extensions are rich.
  2. Misery and negativity follows these types, regardless of situation. Nothing whatsoever to do with locale, much more to do with the individual and their predisposed character.
  3. That's a possibility, as this cultural notion is quite the fashion among particular classes of the West - apparently not understanding why and how it's practiced.
  4. It's obvious that some areas aren't adhering to common protocol practices - hence the spikes. Become weary......which is understandable.
  5. Don't know which one is more fanciful and deluded - you or the subject matter of this thread.
  6. Indeed. An insider and residency muse. Nonetheless.......with all the discussion and press that this current mess is receiving everywhere of the last couple of days, I suspect the fix and modifying is in the works as we speak. I'm surprised that reasonably intelligent folks would be jumping on the program from the first week and expecting everything smooth sailing - that ain't the way it's working. I wouldn't bother until at least December.......maybe January. Allow them to figure out the numerous snafus and bs. More than likely they'll get it in time.
  7. They must've not received the memo that the dreaded COVID doesn't stay alive terribly long on surfaces and isn't transmitted in such a matter.........this was understood five months in [early covid era]. The biohazard garbs aren't necessary nor is the incessive wiping down of everything and anything.
  8. It's the gathering aspect [sometimes in significant numbers], not the alcohol consumption.
  9. Probably best to wait a month or two for the incapable authorities to work out the obvious kinks, glitches and bs. At best, it's a mess.
  10. Indeed. Doesn't take much understanding or simple observations that much of the cycle is one and the same. Been of this nature for ages - at least throughout contemporary times in which we refer to.....Ammat.
  11. Without the creeping influence of the very political domination of contemporary Thai Buddhism. Tradition has suggested that one can challenge and question. Too many haven't come around to these aspects as of yet.
  12. The greater disparaging twist to all of this grand theatre is that but a few are able to distinguish the differences of ruling classes and their particular circles - generated cycle after the next. More often than not, guised under the usual "new and improved" label, yet sleep under the same roof of those that they might oppose. The tradition is so terribly dominant and influential as to how the order works, that very little appears to be distinctively alternative for the betterment of the commons - lotsa talk, yet appears to be the same old practice of The Club.
  13. Actually, there's no such beast as best for _____________[fill in the blank] politics - anywhere.
  14. Some might suggest that the less Farang [foreign residents and tourists], the better for society.
  15. They do think highly of their fanciful manner and repeat/believe the exaggerations in the usual manner. Guessing that the reality might kick in before long.......by January?
  16. Sounds about right. Same as it ever was. Though, with one exception - it's been long understood that the Shinawatras find the Move Forward clan more of a threat than a brethren. I believe there is lesser love lost and a bit of a chill between the two. Wondering why it took them so long to begin pushing his offspring, as they've been slowly groomed and subliminally promoted for some time now. Nonetheless, this opposition [which really isn't alternative/opposition at all] talk does keep any such stimulation stirred up for the sake of rhetoric - nothing will come of the whimsy and hope. All of your commentary above will prove largely true and the traditional ruling classes will have their way......as they always have.
  17. Mind you, very little will be enforced... Most will do as they please.
  18. You must be a joy to live with. Very Farang.
  19. Appears to be an awful lot of concern and angst over alcohol and the consumption thereof, here within this humble venue. Why is that? ????????
  20. Applying ideals of improbable absolutes, one is more likely to parish from a vehicle accident or cancer [or anything else for that matter] than from the dreaded Covid. We tend to easily give in to overreacted sensationalism - regarding most everything. The old adage holds true: if something is repeated often and loud enough, all becomes true and real.
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