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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. The point? The attempt to do away with independence and self-sufficiency. Most are suckers that accept the controlled dependency.
  2. Nah. Such patient and tolerant practices don't work toward the ever-present ruling classes. Contemporary history will tell you that they don't care for any such rumblings of alternatives or change.
  3. Nonetheless, might stir up the broad working classes. A collective and unified general strike is in order. Worldwide.
  4. It appears that many are at the biting at the bit into to test the turgid waters even before the magical date - and many others soon after. Almost an innocence without understanding the complexities of wishy-washy Thainess. A more sound ideal would be to give the proposed grandeur of it all a couple of months to work out the kinks - making any such arrangements by the first or second week of January. In theory, it might adjust itself just by shear attrition. Or not.
  5. Nothing will change until the people act as a unified collective - forcibly.
  6. Well......the greater system of a traditional ruling class requires not just mending, but a complete overhaul.
  7. The term expatriate and the associate character usually leaves me empty, as there certainly isn't anything special that draws from the fraternity - just the opposite is conjured up. Wouldn't be the company that I seek out.....
  8. Yep. Guaranteed. And any such random poll that survey perhaps 4000 folks [all in BKK] doesn't even come close to "most".
  9. Perhaps they'll get the picture in a couple of months - or not. As it stands presently, doesn't appear that the learning curve is going to modify itself any time soon. Traditional Thai rhetoric and convoluted thought doesn't carry too much weight in an international scenario.
  10. What I do know is that this so call alcohol ban has been largely ignored upcountry [for a few months] where such really isn't an issue. Life and business carries on as usual.
  11. Of course. It's all so real......for some.????????????
  12. Some might even go beyond this and ask why one requires the romantic notions of hero worship regarding a fabricated fictitious character.....??? Aren't we already overcome with enough manufactured delusions?
  13. Why should we bother with any of the test kits. They were never developed to have a fine standard and assuredness - it's all rather random.
  14. And they'll keep repeating this until all is real and true. There's no real scientific evidence or models towards your statement above.
  15. How about real medical, health and scientific qualifiers. This creepy subliminal romance with everything militarism is abnormal.
  16. The crux - for ages. A dominate presence of militarism naturally melded with the civil/social order as well as traditional patronage. Terribly destructive and contradictory within the confines of a Buddhist culture.
  17. Don't know which is more scoundrelous - government or insurance mafias.
  18. Not here. Understanding the systematic and traditional cycles might help before suggesting any such presumptions.
  19. Sure, why not. But first we'll require a test market to see how this all might unfold. Thailand has volunteered. The others will sit back and observe.
  20. Better bet that they turned coat as they know they'll be apart of the ruling side - presently and the foreseeable future. Nothing is going to shift dramatically and they're probably looking to get on the gravy train.
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