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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. 'Tis a wonder why you folks seem to be struggling under a cloud of angst. Take a good look at your lifestyle and consumer habits.
  2. What should truly worry you lot is the deepest illusion that the American culture has been under for quite some time - and certainly not recognized as such. Cycling around in not a very nice manner.
  3. From simple observations, some might suggest that they're all guilty of the same shenanigans - one from the next. As they're all, basically, from the same club. What is truly required is a systematic cleansing. Of course, nothing of this nature will ever come about in practice - there's too much to lose for all within the Boy's Club.
  4. ....and their learning curve isn't keeping up the pace - as they still struggle to get it.
  5. Instigated and inspired by the same old circles. And yet, still few are able to connected the dots as to who the truer boogieman really is - inciting the world over, for quite some time.
  6. The romantic and historic impressions that the Japanese presence in and around Kanchanaburi was rather a minor priority compared to what they were looking to accomplish throughout their extended friendly occupation of Siam. Their major infrastructural pursuits throughout much of north and deep south has been quite historically noted -
  7. In days past for a brief period, Thai Airways was considered world class carrier matching the quality service and distinction of their numerous award winning Asian sister airlines. That hasn't been the case at least for a couple of decades.......as the usual manner of Thai business corruption, incompetency and dodgy dealings led to it's obvious demise. Their shaky reputation has long been tarnished. Hiding under years of bankruptcy and throwing ill-advised money in the wrong direction doesn't solve the issues - as the problems are still there in a manner of how it operates. Bit of a shame, actually.
  8. As it's been the reality for decades upon decades - even when the odd and very surface civilian democratic has it's way, we really know who's behind the curtain pulling the strings.
  9. They're not terribly good at international style business and trends - always comes back to bite them on the backside.
  10. I believe many expect a resurgence in one capacity or another. There's just too many signs to expect anything otherwise. A change is coming - slow, but sure.
  11. I would presume that there are standard manuals for the taking that most are suckered into. Real or fake [whatever those are] - the only thing that matters is the promoted stereotype.
  12. The prime reasons why surges/spike come about is a portion of the respected populations that aren't practicing/observing protocol measures. A very simple understanding that many the world over aren't getting -
  13. I believe the obvious comparison, as it applies to the body, sexuality and gender throughout the traditional Occidental uptight manner and the traditional Orient spirit of acceptance leaves a large gap.
  14. Actually, if you've done your homework properly, you'll find that the possibly infected vaccinated are more likely to be the instigator of proteins that mutate from the natural acts of resisting the newly introduced antibodies from the vaccine. There's quite an array of scientific material and evidence models that are being proposed along these lines.
  15. Part and parcel to same as it ever was? ???? Is this rhetorical trickery inquiry.....?? ????
  16. Your two paragraphs above are typically reflective of how things are done among the controlling systems the world over - though, in particular instances, some things are cleverly manipulated here and there to promote a surface appearance that there might be a difference. In the real light there truly isn't any difference. Thailand just plays the game it's been asked to - granted, with a hint of a different flavour. A magnificent ruse continues on for all of us.
  17. What should be more concerning is the fact this nasty bug is about five steps ahead of us and has the ability to mutate again and again, eventually morph into a couple of super strains that are resistant to any of the current pharmaceutically based vaccines and therapeutic prophylactics that we have at our current disposal - We'll never be victorious as long as we insist to fighting COVID on it's on terms and grounds.
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