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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Yet, like all of 'em, an expert on most everything. We should be so blessed.
  2. Akin to foxes asking other foxes to watch the hen house.
  3. One would really have to be reaching to consider the somewhat establishment Pheu Thai to be opposition. The Move Forward group is a shell of what it once was. There are at least a dozen organized political movements and recognized parties that are dismissed at hand and not allowed to participate.
  4. The advancement of contemporary civilisation has not been pretty toward the traditional landscape.
  5. I suspect it will be the same for all arrivals - regardless of nationality. Just as it was during 2-week ASQ period. No one was granted exception....including Thais.
  6. As such things usually are. Truly surprised that this trio [et al] didn't receive a harsher sentence, considering the politically suppressed and paranoid time that we live in.
  7. He was always a bit of a charlatan and not really that knowledgeable -
  8. Yep. Sure is. Surprising that so many aren't aware of this.
  9. Might take 'em a month or two to sort out the obvious - maybe.
  10. Just another one of many things that they have never considered when designing this flawed program.
  11. Yet, you're still "quarantined" for up to 24/36 hrs in wait for the results. Would be much more logical to administer rapid test - 5/10 min results.
  12. DNS and server issues can easily be resolved - it's obvious that the crack AN technical staff hasn't a clue.
  13. The real enemy is unconscious gluttony and the quality of foods that one takes. Naturally, these things aren't recognized.
  14. Remember.......there's the insurance catch. Their insurance catch.
  15. ...and it appears that they still haven't sorted out all the details and making them publicly available. Because of these facts and the strong hunch that they still don't know what they're doing, I believe the initial days and weeks into the new program are going to be complete chaos..........the word will get out and no one will show up until they logically get their act together.
  16. Inter-Provincial movement and travel has been open to most of the upcountry regions for months - Why? Because of the very low infection rate and most continue to observe protocol.
  17. ......and to collect clandestine intelligence - actually, the only reason that diplomatic missions exist.
  18. Appears to be the culturally conditioned fashion among the crowd here. Eating too much. Eating too often. Not terribly healthy.
  19. Many are easily fooled within these circles, to be expected. Consider the source that are easily suckered in -
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