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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Relatively easy to access the official Govt PR/Royal Gazette site - quite available to the public. With a quick browse, I've found nothing certified or official decree relating to any of the recent mentions of what's been stated by particular politicians/ministers of the last several days. Probably why one will not find any such changes in policy by way of the assorted embassies/consulates as of yet. None of these proclamations have been decreed officially to date.
  2. The ever present condition of being Farang. Might be beneficial to your soul to get over yourselves.
  3. Never, ever contemplate such a presumption. If they can - they will.
  4. Not just Bangkok and environs. The systematic filling-in of khlongs and cementing over everything has taken a greater toll on the provinces that make up the great basin flood plain - bit of a domino effect of the last 60-70 years.
  5. Many have returned from months passed, going through the already considered normal ASQ procedures and assorted BS. Didn't have much choice. Just dealt with it in one form or another. Yet, if one is "returning" for the first time under the new bogus policy [which is still confusing], then it should be a breeze compared to the rather bureaucratic mess that it was for a year or more. Count your blessings if one is coming in the next month or three.
  6. I surely wouldn't be waging anything on the hopes that they might be getting their collective acts together anytime soon. This is what they do. Standard operating practice for this group......regarding most everything. Domestic policies of every nature.
  7. And most of it isn't newsworthy or worthy of discussion. Yet, continue to go on about it.
  8. ...with a chaser of Ya Dong.
  9. The "Thai wife" will always be foreign to them, hence the unconscious reference.
  10. City slickers attempting to be country bumkins will never get it.
  11. Well......that's how the world works. Borrow against nothing and payback against nothing. All economies operate in this manner, as their isn't any wealth outside of the make believe variety.
  12. Nothing significant or newsworthy. Same old attention driven rhetoric, pageantry and decorum. Ho Hum......
  13. Old Misdirection Theatre. When in doubt, use the Shinawatras as a buffer. And always seems to work.
  14. The state of the Thai state: militarism and policing systems. Sits well with ruling classes.
  15. Coffee and cigarette..... Breakfast of champions.
  16. The Thai beer mafias surely don't want the competition. The most logical manner to suppress any/all comers. Which is a shame, as many Thai craft/micro beers are fabulously brilliant and fast becoming popular [consumed in-house only].
  17. Nah. Can't do that. Not profitable for the system. You're required [forced] to wait at the appropriate/official place of accommodation - out of your pocket expense, of course - 24hrs? 36hrs? And keep in mind, that they're surely not gonna be that organised when it comes to acting upon testing/conclusive results/contacting the individual for hundreds, if not thousands of people a day. I can just envision the calamity that might incur. It hasn't been touched upon or discussed enough regarding the possibilities of securing/using rapid test kits - which only take five minutes for results, which could ease backup and BS that are assured to come about.
  18. Nothing wrong with occasional protest - certainly when directed towards an already top heavy corrupted govt. Speaking of months-on-end demonstrations, remember that the numerous activists groups are still in force everyday. The general news coverage regarding has lost it's punch and fashion, therefore most observers have diminished interests. The cause and reason still exists.
  19. For real time and accurate info of local and regional conditions, the Thailand Meteorological Dept site is best. Very deep into breaking provincial conditions, forecasts and real time updating.
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