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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. In the long of it, you surely must know that they would figure out a manner in which to extract more unnecessary expense on the unsuspecting entering traveler. It's all about managing twisted and underhanded profit for the usual groups. We really didn't expect this revamped opening to be without it's illogical hitches and profiteering motive, did we?
  2. Indeed. It was most certainly a generational event. A catastrophic natural disaster that lent itself to impossible odds for any government infrastructure to handle - past or present.
  3. Yes, of course it does. Much more logical than a qualified medical/health team.???? The upside of having institutional militarism [and experts in every field] running through every aspect of society. ????
  4. What of the Zombies or walking dead? Other kin such as vampires, werewolves, or the variety of said trans-species? The famed greys of extraterrestrial lore? Where might they be classified?
  5. Nice positive quip. There still is this manner here, yet dwindling. I've done the whole ASQ thing myself, twice in the last six months. Never found it that undesirable. All good in my camp as well. Nothing to become terribly angst over. It is what it is. Cheers.
  6. Nor are they usually accurate as such applies to content, background, misinformation, etc.
  7. Just like Cleveland, Melbourne, Liverpool, Durban or anywhere else in the beloved and highly civilised West.
  8. Some have placed in their mind that they require some sort of special internationally recognized documentation, outside of the one that they are already carrying - I don't know of any country that hasn't issued proper and authorized certificates, cards, documentation to accompany their respective vaccination programs/procedures. Your completed COVID card acts as an official certificate for passage, travel and whatnot. I, too, have traveled internationally - vaccine era - recently. Appears that the official vaccine card is sufficient. Actually, I believe that this unrealistic ideal of an "International Vaccine Passport" faded some months ago.
  9. The expected comparatives within this thread have been noted, yet moot. Any examples only point to average unskilled labour types, where there is a greater percentage of the Thai workforce that make a rather comfortable wage and living.
  10. Almost all airlines and countries require this status before flying or entry. One's vaccination certificate/documentation acts as a "vaccine passport"
  11. Hmmm.... Perspectives and opinions will vary, of course. Wondering of their thespian skills would've suffered if they weren't down-in-the gutter drunkards? Guess we'll never know.
  12. Yet, they keep talking as if they have everything stable and in order. How can you tell when a Thai military-guy-turned-questionable politician is lying or just simply making poo-poo up?
  13. They did this once, some several months ago, when they were told that the "Chula" domestic version might be available soon [which never transpired] - hence, put the original glitch into their vaccination program. Take the vaccines when they are offered or available, instead of wishing on a domestic one that might not come to fruition.
  14. All too common among TVF contributors -
  15. Well, of course there is. The all-knowing and all-seeing puritan temperance circles are doing what they do. The great aspect of all this <deleted> - no one pays any heed to this gobbledygoop -
  16. Or lessons of reasoned intelligence and knowledge - which could easily be applied within this venue. A good dose of it, actually. Blessed is the cognitive dissonance -
  17. In the big cities, perhaps. [and I really doubt that] This is not the case elsewhere throughout the country. Need to see the broader picture.
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