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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. In a round about manner, many are. And true to their nature, the most powerful and influential countries are subliminally dominated by militarism and associated consciousness. Their existence is largely based on militarism.
  2. That'll win 'em over - Wonder if they'll be able to print out enough in time for the fateful date.
  3. Though, they must've absorbed/borrowed this quackery from elsewhere - not original Thai quackery.
  4. Yet, the foolish and miserable still remain. The initial inquiry still stands as to why?
  5. Indeed. The same installed judicial system that has, for generations, served the ruling classes quite loyally - Trust.
  6. Traditional Oriental Cooties - wouldn't want to mix with the unwashed and backward savages, as you never know what kind of odd and mysteries diseases that they might be carrying. ????
  7. Of which many of this unvaccinated side have relaxed their guard as to practicing basic protocol measures, hence the continuing spikes and whatnot.
  8. There are those that are saying that by January, the "decision makers" might've seen the light and come to their senses. Though, I can't see that happening - as they have a reputation for being set-in-stone types. If I was a betting man, I might even suggest that they really don't want to venture with the ideals of "reopening", as all of this conflicts with the COVID justified and convenient restrictive policies which have been set into place gradually for the last six months.....
  9. Sure. That's how the ruling class has set it into motion to work. The only ones available are part of the club. The true viable alternative would be a revolution and removing the scoundrel class.
  10. Yet, the local villagers can come and go - whether being suspected of being infected or not? Any such lockdown begins from the inside firstly, not the outside.....
  11. These kinds of activities will surely help keep the spread of infection in check.....???? Only hurting themselves in the long run.
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