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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. The military, which is in charge and directs most everything. And still, the dots are not connected.
  2. What we should know about this usual kind of caper, regardless of success or failure, is that they won't learn from their experiences to tweak this and that to put themselves in a better place for the future. To be sure, the authoritarian mindset won't learn from practicalities and happenings to improve or repair on such ventures.
  3. One might be able to conduct their own search and get completely different "world rankings" from 10-12 different sources/surveys.
  4. Whoops! And there clever sleight-of-hand isn't even clever. Expect a modification when ever they get around to it.
  5. Appears that they've seemed to have dug themselves a sizeable hole by not considering or addressing any such details or situations that will obviously arise. Come Nov 1, it ain't gonna be pretty.
  6. I'm sure legislation of this nature hits close to the quick - which of course might suggest that there is deeper involvement in this despicable activity than not.
  7. I'm waiting for them to introduce tracking anklets and bracelets, as well. Don't think they won't. Nutters.
  8. Just to be replaced with someone similar. Why bother. Becoming angst over things that you've no control of is rather silly.
  9. A better solution would to invest in rapid test kits [as in: 5 min result]. But, that might be too logical and expensive. As it stands today with the new opening requirements and the forced waiting/quarantine for such test results, they're never gonna be able to organize it efficiently. Appears as another well intentioned but ill prepared Thai clusterphuck. I can just see the numerous problem that will arise.
  10. Not terribly difficult to check. Appears that a majority of countries require some sort of COVID medical coverage before entry. https://www.google.com/search?q=covid+medical+insurance+for+entry&oq=covid+medical+insurance+for+entry&aqs=chrome..69i57j33i22i29i30l5.14023j0j15&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8 .....and I'm sure they're all involved in the same kinda scam. ????
  11. If one considers Farang Ghettos to be a decent choice.... Some don't.
  12. And seems to attract a significant crowd here within a variety of threads... Guess folks are impressed with the usual drivel.
  13. So..you can go in peace, knowing full well that we will never ever figure it out or solve anything. Rest assured -
  14. Don't you mean to say: Western logic and Western common sense [whatever that is]?? All of which, has nothing to do with anything. You might give it another shot without the deluded and false superlatives/comparatives. Though, I suspect this attempt would lead to failure again. Ho hum....
  15. Not really. These restrictions are largely centered around BKK Metro, Pattaya, etc. Most of upcountry Thailand has been somewhat open for a few months - locale depending. For some the world revolves around Bangkok and environs. For others, it doesn't.
  16. Yep. It just is - as it is throughout much of Asia. The Chinese have a history of getting around. Many would like to twist this into some broad political conspiratorial thing. I'm perplexed as to why.
  17. Or......what we are considering to be life, isn't really there - same applies to what we see as death. It's possible that we might exist, one cycle after the other, in a false time continuum where all is perceived as real - but truly isn't. Nature and the phenomena of dimensional forces are having their amusement. ....and we'll never know, one way or another.
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