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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Yep. All too typical. And quite pathetic, actually.
  2. Quite obviously, this approach is not viable or practical. Policies that are directed for the popular collective are much more useful in the long run. Even in the best of times, a high-end market is purely a clique thing - not sustainable.
  3. Come 1 November, I can already see that little will be be accomplished as such applies to simple organization and details.
  4. This would be my personal choice. In the good old days used to be available everywhere/anywhere - even delivered. The Thai Beer Mafias put a clamp on that, as they found that the popular lager was cutting into their competitive edge.
  5. Nice attempt at a shift. Such intriguing distractions wouldn't be appreciated here nor understood.
  6. The real attention, protection and prodding to succeed is directed at the girls. To be expected within the framework of a matriarchal and matrilineal culture.
  7. Though, probably not necessary for those who are deeper members of the club. Only one circle that he has to impress. The blessings have already been given.
  8. No, it really isn't. You'll be requiring to get out a little more to realize what the real Thailand is about.
  9. Restaurants and bars have been opened for months at selected provincial locales.
  10. This is one of numerous issues that logically arise that they haven't worked out as of yet - if they ever do. They do tend to misplace important details here and there. The usual Thai cluster<deleted>.
  11. I imagine she really doesn't want to go back to the States.
  12. Or even a couple of months. By January, I'm betting that all these new/same old convoluted will be trashed and they'll just allow the old ways of processing.
  13. Flip-flopping for the last several months. And yet today, they still don't know what they wanna do.
  14. So do wars, yet that doesn't stop.
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