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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. ......and what of Sir Keith Moon? Not worthy of the distinguished company of men among men. After all, he was seemingly best mates with four outta five.
  2. Isn't everyone? Thought this was a given.
  3. Why would one find it necessary to extend any sort of percentage commission toward the Puu Yai for assisting in a societal/community manner?
  4. The accepted nature of Insurance Mafias, generally speaking. Because we allow them to practice in such a corrupt and unethical manner. Live one's protest?
  5. Not here. This will manifest in places where there is a higher concentration of continuous infections and spread - regardless of the percentage of vaccinated.
  6. If the good folks in the deep south [or anywhere] haven't figured out the best manner in which to stem the tide of spread by now - they'll never get it. Rest assured that Anutin, and his team, don't have a clue as to passing on sound advice and already proven sound measures. Just an extension of the political show. Nothing else.
  7. Sure. I can imagine that all the new requirements and processes will be quite organized in the usual Thai organized manner.....????????
  8. The case world over, especially within particular societies that find it necessary to live beyond their means.
  9. Yet, such a mindset was not consciously contemplated back in the good old days. But, back when, Farang were almost considered a novelty. The political side kicked in.
  10. Just thinking of the same association. I'll take famous contemporary English drunkards for 500, Alex.....
  11. Been a very active typhoon season this year. Especially regarding those that have found their way deep inland.
  12. Considering that the early program was completely mangled and mismanaged, I believe it's coming along quite nicely and steady on for the last couple months - every week it zooms up another couple percentage points. Not to bad, compared to some of the world: to date 33.4% fully and about 73% partial. Could be worse.
  13. I've been watching them daily on their Youtube channel for months. Both are quite gifted communicators. ....and then, the puritan critics forget what great charity work they do for their community.
  14. They still have three weeks to ponder on this.... I suspect that by the time November 1 is here, or very soon thereafter, the COE nonsense will be lifted in accordance. Though, there is the hidden profit motive. A visa acts as a COE, does it not?
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