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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. I might add that the greener pastures aren't that green.
  2. And certainly not the generalised standard. An overwhelming percentage of Thai girls would prefer Thai guys. I would take caution towards those who consider themselves experts of Thai female character or even Thai character, for that matter.
  3. Protocol measures and practice have to be stressed upon the local populations.....until the rate of fully vaccinated is at an acceptable level. The obvious reason for the months on end surges/spikes was that a segment of the population became relaxed and indifferent about safety protocol - it worked quite well for a year and then fell off.......and Delta hit.
  4. ...and some provinces are up to 70% fully vaccinated, while others aren't this close. The greater percentage of unvaccinated are in and around BKK Metro, where the greatest infection rate is/was.
  5. Sure ya have. 44.6 million documented infections and 720 thousand deaths.
  6. ...and they [Thais] are much less political regarding vaccines. Might be to their advantage in the long run.
  7. Outside of the forced upon center-of-the-world consciousness of Bangkok, Patters, and other prominent locales - hundreds of local venues upcountry have been reopened for months now, stemming the myths that most everything is closed down.
  8. ...and could only be beneficial in the long run. Nothing special about your kind. Yet, you remain - like numerous other disconnected types - to whinge on towards most everything and lend yourself to made up misery at every turn. Can't be such an engaging life, I reckon.
  9. Sure. In your manliness of manly dreams. ???? BTW, if you're not aware of it - Asian gals not care for larger knobs and certainly not necessary for either party.???? Just saying..
  10. Easier to drown in the pool of rhetoric than to implement any such practice.
  11. The all encompassing evil alcohol. The key instigator of all our ills. Repeated loud and often enough.
  12. But that's not real work according to many a Farang.....????
  13. They had to do it eventually, why not now. The corresponding and suspected numbers aren't that outta whack. Take a chance - see what happens. All the doom and gloomers are licking their chops towards the possibilities of a clusterphuck and hypothetical told ya so scenarios. But then, what if it all balances out and nothing of a heightened negativity comes of it?
  14. Reflective of the general dispositions of Western cultures - disconnected and intolerant....
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