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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. And even with the current and modified "reopening" policies in place, they're still not getting it. Tourists aren't coming if they still find they have to proceed with these continuing schemes. I'm sure Thai officialdom is expecting the hordes to eagerly break down the gates. That's not gonna happen. I can't imagine what October through January is gonna look like when they tally the results.
  2. It had to be said. This reality could even be expanded on. Cheers.
  3. This will be key. What many still do is go out of their way to detach themselves [and gf/wife] from the instinctive familial and social extensions that makes them who they are. A safety net...sort to speak. Is it any wonder why too many Farang feel as a foreigner or outsider and wonder why folks still regard them as such - never making an attempt to blend.
  4. And the general instilled mindset and the discussion that displays itself in the same ridiculous manner every time that this same kind of inquiry comes up. There's no standard for any such comfort as the varied lifestyles will attest to.
  5. Not really run like a government, but a organized criminal syndicate. That's how it's always been.
  6. Not scared or hesitant, just couldn't be bothered. Nothing special.
  7. Local mafias are the backbone of local economies.
  8. No. The Great Basin has never flooded.???? First time for everyone.???? Bit of a novelty.
  9. That could be said for most of the English-speaking West and their poor choice of what might pass as food. Generally speaking, might have the worse diet and unhealthy populations in the world.
  10. Axe - A bit fruity, but it'll do. And a better value.
  11. We're fortunate here to have a few pundits that have the true pulse of the country [not]. ????
  12. i wouldn't pay too much attention to this type of rhetorical journalism or what passes for news....brought to you by the usual sources. Fortunately, there is an abundance of alternative sources available, if you know where to look.
  13. Between the two, don't know which one is the biggest charlatan.
  14. Oh dear. Lovely, but all of your wacky sociological/historical analysis is highly Bangkok-centric........which has little to do with the rest of the country and how things work.
  15. The creepy transhumanist communities are loving this era. Themselves, artificial.
  16. .....and vaccination percentage rates are on the weekly rise. 27% as we speak and increasing ever so fast [compared to what it was during the early mismanagement] Hope springs eternal.
  17. So....how's that mitigation protocol and practice working out?
  18. So far - the flooding this season [overall] is not even close to the 2011 floods, where most of the country was underwater for months. Doesn't look like the case this year - it's nasty for sure......but nothing in comparison. Last evening, I was watching a zoom conference [Voice TV streaming] of Thai academics analyzing the current situation with that of past historic flooding - displayed were updated satellite imagery of this month's flooding to that of 2011. Not the same.
  19. Ah, yes. The good old days when these types of venues would be rousing way into the wee hours of the morning - even past 2-3am.
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