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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Not much difference between online or in class learning, to be honest.
  2. Might even suggest most that were/are hospitalized needn't be.
  3. Or, why a consciously "scheduled" breakfast.
  4. Mai phen rai. It's over. They said so. Opening up. <deleted> to cautioning of any winds.
  5. Appears that, of the "novel" class, the most adored are of historical fiction or realistic fiction genres.
  6. You'll be noticing that the overwhelming percentage of entries have been foreign residents or Thai returning home - very very few tourists types.
  7. Boosters? Let's work on the first round of vaccination percentages before suggestions boosters. Falling behind from incompetence doesn't look pretty - certainly with all emerging complexities of everything COVID.
  8. Well constructed. Speaking of the Privy Council, we certainly shouldn't forget his related roots/background and deeper relationships with particular influential circles. He wasn't selected for this role because he was just another pretty face.
  9. The base reasonings are directed at the larger gatherings, which makes sense in the attempt to promote mitigation protocol and whatnot. The Thai authoritarian mindset will certainly exercise any puritan justification that they can make up to restrict the consumption of alcohol, as they might as such applies to most public/national holidays. It's all quite whimsical and easier now under the guise of everything COVID. So....what about Wat gatherings? Still witnessing assorted tamboons here and there. As such group outings were taboo early on. And the months-long protesting?
  10. The reality is beginning to seep through. Numerous things COVID related they don't want us to know about.
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