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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. ....and petty. Most notable are the boorish linguistic pedants who completely miss the picture of just letting it go.
  2. ...and the barstools remain warm for the usual flights of fancy.
  3. Even during these turgid times, really freeing up the "open" market to true independent business will help. Not that this activity will ever come about. Just a thought.
  4. Yet, that someone will be bound to the same systems. If anything requires dismantling and rebuilt - it would be this. Than we can move on to that particular someone that we can become dreamy about.????
  5. I've been advocating a unified general strike kind of action for some time. With or without the street protest and demonstrations. Kind of a "live one's protest" practice. The only catch is that is the action has to come from an overwhelming percentage of the population throughout the country.
  6. It's all quite whimsical - this is where all the spikes have their origins.
  7. It appears that October will be happening - full course ahead, regardless of the present and contradicting rhetoric.
  8. Coups require a blessing as well. As do military/elitist governments. Something to think about.
  9. If it's home with all the familial trimmings then one has all the right to be concerned and get involved. Many, I'm sure, still consider themselves foreigners [regardless of their years] and are perceived this way in the community because of the way they come across. Bit of a shame.
  10. Selfishness, like other traits, is a learned thing.
  11. Those accusers best be careful. The unspoken and secret "disappearing" under-policies can be enacted.
  12. ...and has little to do with tourism related. This promotional untruth becomes old.
  13. That the deceptive key to all the elective processes - cheating, false manipulation and sleight-of-hand. If that fails, military strong arming and coups of a higher blessing are quite acceptable.
  14. Though, I don't believe that it would be the rift to be concerned about. More important circles of divisiveness and drama that might take precedence.
  15. Indeed. More so, I find it somewhat perplexing that a few within this thread speak confidently regarding Thai political history when they really don't have a clue as to how such current events relate to historic perspectives. There has never been a "balanced shift" between firm military rule and so called facade of a democratic civilian government.
  16. This line of thought and reasoning [living w/ COVID] is fast becoming an accepted reality among even hardline establishment circles - scientists, officialdom, media, etc. They'll just have to retool their mantra - repeated often and loud enough.
  17. There's always the highly prejudiced/bias court systems......throw these things their way and see what develops.????????
  18. The reality is that the military IS politics. The only political reality. Been of this manner for decades upon decades.
  19. Sure. The likes of Twitter, FB, et al seem to be comfortable being in cahoots with Thai authorities and other world players. all of whom appear to be uncomfortable with questioning and challenging ideals.
  20. Yep. There are many coming from this same perspective. Some aren't overtly conscious about being a foreigner or being considered a foreigner. This is what natural acclimation and custom bring.
  21. As are the continuing demonstrations and like gatherings of the past several months.
  22. And it's Surin that is rife with the black magic, deep superstitions, spiritual rituals - not so much Buriram.
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