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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Might have some suggesting that politics, within it's general form, should rid itself from consciously conditioned political identities as well as political parties. Imagine what could be.
  2. PT, and it's predecessor parties, at it's core has always been more establishment driven then not......and like everyone, self-interest come first before the commons. Surely, wouldn't surprise me if they were looking to hook up with the Junta Gang. Truer colours. Survival mechanism.
  3. Actually, one could even suggest that this last general parliamentary election shouldn't have taken place to begin with, as the sitting government [most of which were candidates directly/indirectly] is false and illegally placed itself. Too late now to correct or cleanse. The paradox - awaiting a vote and institutional decisions by standing and illegitimate/controlling officialdom that was never democratically placed originally. Trusting that most everything might prevail for the incoming coalition government........and then we can set our minds on bringing harsh justice on the varied association that plagued the country for a time. Because........if action isn't taken, they'll be back as history will tell you.
  4. Yet, too many tend to ignore [or not historically knowledgeable] the basic crux of how things really operate here.
  5. But.......Thai democracy doesn't resemble any reasonable version of democracy. Never has.
  6. Officially. Our season kicked in some three weeks ago. Officially.
  7. Or....even more relevant and important - freeing up the ever expanding Thai micro/craft beer industry. That would be a boom.
  8. Think too much. [applies to Farang quite nicely]
  9. Or one could simply ponder on the real and only reason why the military exist here.
  10. More than likely, he's a solo act that is committing himself on behest of the Old Guard Dinosaur circle. They just don't comprehend the reality nor will they go away. All need to be imprisoned or exiled.
  11. Nepotistic appointed and unelected dinosaurs. Same as it ever was.
  12. Sure. It's a mess and flawed, as that's the way they intended it to be. Creates room for them to fabricate another distraction.
  13. Actually, almost difficult to fathom anywhere. All talk, yet nothing practiced. Consider The Big Green Lie.
  14. Expect the new MF-led coalition to ruffle a few feathers regarding oligarchical traditions of underhanded bliss..... Looking forward to the new era of a real working government that appeals and proceeds for the commons. Realizing that such a mindset is akin to dreamy ideals and imaginary visions of hope is almost moot.......but, what the hell. ????????
  15. One might ask how these insidious and terribly convoluted [and ultimately controlling] general election procedures and actions were designed by and who benefits the most. Hint: it reeks of ruling military class.
  16. Hmmm.... Sometimes bandwagons are not what they appear to be. Keeping an open and positive outlook, as we should. Remember - we're in the honeymoon period. We'll see.
  17. I might be cautious to these slogans. Don't think the coalition is overwhelming pro-West.
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