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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Certainly might save the good tax payers some funds if we just offed 'er. She's not worthy of existence for society. Why bother with the effort and expense of keeping her imprisoned for 30-40 years.
  2. Anything random [trivial] Farang stranger is always worthy as a news item in some corners. Wondering why this is? ????
  3. These anti/pro Thaksin sentiments almost appear to be cult-like in nature within their particular form. Get over yourselves.....all of ya. ????
  4. Yeah. Pita, and his MV cohorts, should've realized - or have been wise enough - that the ruling class of sore losers would pull out every stop to challenge and intervene. Don't give them fodder to claim legitimacy as they are today......be it real wrongdoing or something they're attempting to dream up. Nonetheless. Politicians and the politician classes are all subject to scrutiny. By their very nature, they're criminally foul and immoral to lesser degrees. Their positions and standing have little to do with representing/serving the commons and their well being. You'll be pardoning my deeper cynicism towards all. That's the way it is.
  5. As it's always been the case [and practice] among the business communities the world over - keep the wages below living standards, employing as few as possible while trying to squeeze the same work and production out of those minimal number of staff. It's always about [unnecessary] labour issues - never mind their general overhead expenses, inventory, and production costs. I've a personal motto regarding business in general: if one can't afford to pay your employees a living/decent salary, than you shouldn't be in business. Usually applies to corporation types more so than smaller or mid-range business models.
  6. Uh-huh.... So everything seems to be working out and turning for the traditional ruling class [as it always does here]. Sneaky manipulation and sleight of hand does have it's moments. Imagine that.
  7. Better yet, why not just call the whole election thingy off and extend good old Prayut's Caretaker status. As that's what their plans are anyway. Watch. It'll happen.
  8. Yes. This 100% Thai [whatever that is] tends to be a bit confusing for many. I know and know of a boat load of folks here - and not one can claim a majority of a Thai bloodline.
  9. Unfortunately, nothing's gonna change - despite all of the dreamy and desperate spewed ideologies, especially from foreign types who pretend to understand the culture and social order.
  10. They're rebooting their repressive agendas. Standing by.....
  11. Time for the old man to come home. Stir things up a little bit. Heh. Amnesty for all exiled scholars, journalists, activists and assorted politicians. Start anew.
  12. There was never such a "change" under Thaksin or Yingluck or other so called civilian governments.....were still beholding to the pulled strings. As you will find this to be true for the dreamy state of Pita and his circles. Any real change will require a full and complete cleanse - which ain't gonna happen anytime soon [or distant future]. Astounded, as to reasonable and intelligent folks who still, to this day, don't understand how things work here.
  13. Revenge cooties to the unaccustomed or unacclimated.
  14. More insightful observers should've seen this coming some time ago. Same as it ever was.
  15. The military have always been indirectly in charge - regardless of veritable governments.
  16. Another non-substance distraction regarding the bigger picture. Shouldn't surprise.
  17. Add to the list: 1957, 1959, 1963, 1971, 1973, 1976, 1980 and 1990 - where heavily manipulated/irregular elections or outright coups occurred and the masses took to the streets in protests against the usual circles. Some end results were nastier and more tragic than others. Some observers might suggest that such back-n-forth and unstable activities are a way of life here. They will not surrender their places of elitist dominion, as history will show......and as is currently presenting itself.
  18. Indeed. One would be hard pressed to find any real evidence of legitimate criminal charges against the old boy - yet, many still attempt to.
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