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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. The end is near for our kind. Comfortably numb.
  2. Part and parcel to the club, as they all are.
  3. In the end...... Nothing but a distraction regarding the bigger picture. To be expected.
  4. To be real and honest, the majority of the population are more than likely indifferent - by their very nature.
  5. Yes....your reference to nonsense is quite diplomatic in terms. Too many, among them are participants in the forum, portray this almost fanciful ideological display regarding contemporary Thai historical content and present affairs as well - dismissing any truer understanding of how things work here and how they've always worked here.
  6. Yet, it's a very thin veil of surface and rhetorical democracy. A Thai oligarchical form of spoken democracy. Historically, coup tainted [illegal and illegitimate] operational governments is what they've been doing forever......and how indubitably it's accepted - cycle after cycle. The current and contradictory example was this last general election - a standing illegal [the latest one for a few years already] government that consciously, with firm arrogance, participated handedly - without notice/mention from any camp. This is the mess that we have today and the messes that we've always had, historically. And so it goes..... The slumber continues.
  7. Indeed. When all concerned are loyal cult members, surely it might be almost impossible to suss out a fair, impartial and independent inquiry regarding such matters. The fix is in.....and we should've suspected that they [The Junta Cult and associated] will dig up anything of such trivial and non-criminal matters and twist it out of proportion - and make it stick. They have all the cards. Wondering if the good Thai people will put up with it or understand that the curtain, and those behind it, needs to be exposed and dismissed for good.
  8. The nature of politicians. It's what they do. Most certainly reflects the nature of oligarchical types.
  9. Personally, I might welcome him back. As such an event will add fetid fodder to the gossip and speculation chambers... Popcorn at the ready.
  10. Easier to guess that he and his cohorts will be swallowed up despite their best intentions. It's far too deep to cleanse.
  11. The usual [and indoctrinated] historical reference to the events/backdrop of 1932 and noted standard bookmarks for anything democratic should go askew........for the 1932 coup gang were not democratic in origins nor these intentions sought.
  12. A positive and hopeful sentiment that needs to be embrace permanently. Any directives and actions that benefit the health and well being of the commons is what it's all about, isn't it?
  13. The systems are generally oligarchical the world over - corporatism, the nexus of government and corporations/business. It's all been morphed into one-n-the-same......regardless of surface political and economic standings, practiced universally.
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