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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. And while they're at it - stemming monopolies and encouraging free and open markets, they might give this philosophy/policy a go regarding the agricultural sector, which has been under the repressive umbrella of government bondage and middle-man aggie mafia for ages [monopolizing].
  2. So it appears that this reform gig is required throughout the provinces, more so than that of the national level.
  3. Too late. I believe it already is - overwhelmingly. Mostly, a sad lot.
  4. I will say the boy wonder has filled his plate recently and an extremely hard tow and rough road ahead. The forces that oppose are always in the wings. Good luck to him and associates.
  5. Much more practical and apt to replace the blubber. Trimming the excess fat would do little.
  6. Such acts don't require great will, but instead permission.
  7. .....and most tend to be terribly oblivious [even ignorant] to the ages old criminal graft that naturally associates itself with such arcane elitist activities, under the disguised name of patronage.
  8. These things can be resolved with substantially filled envelopes and other incentives. Even the most idealistic and honourable politicians can be twisted.......as they usually are - and they cave in eventually. Same as it ever was.
  9. Their skill sets are terribly homogenous and has little to do with serving the people. What do you call a couple of thousand politicians chained to the bottom of the ocean?
  10. Imagine that. More expected rains in the rainy season. News.
  11. Of course it does.???? Especially when the police [paired with the local mafia] have their hands into most everything. Investigating within, indeed.
  12. Great sentiment......yet, this will never come about. ......btw, who monitors the Corruption Watchdog? Isn't ACT just part of the cult pretending to be a fair and just independent body? Foxes guarding the hen house.
  13. Or.....the simple ideals of out of mind out of sight comes to mind. Or the truer possibilities that he [and his associations] just wasn't that overwhelmingly popular in the long of it. Things are never what they appear to be - especially amongst the Enigma Thai.
  14. And so it goes. This reality of how things work here is clearly not understood by a substantial circle. The traditional dominion. The crux.
  15. These have been my firm thoughts as well. Though, I suspected there might be possibilities of an inkling of a true change up and a related era to come. As I ponder more and recognize what's being lamented with this mess of contradictions this last week, I find nothing really is gonna change whatsoever. The song remains the same. A sad state for Thai folks.
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