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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. We might start by removing any trace of crony militarism throughout the government......which still stands.
  2. Honestly, the whole elective process seemed to be a charade.......the usual unelected/illegal Junta crowd were all participants, yet no one from the other sides made a mention of it - not even a whimper or protest. .....and we still have a sitting majority in the Senate that were never elected, among a "Caretaker" PM, Deputy PM and other assorted cabinet members. No one seems to understand that there is something wrong with this picture.
  3. Yet, not recognized as such [by everyone] on the surface. The crux.
  4. Things are never what they appear to be. So is the appearance that applies to the Thai enigma.
  5. *sigh* Might be noted that much of the larger pictures have been missed or misplaced, belonging to a circle of being rhetorical or moot. What should've been done from the very beginning was to dissolve everything that was standing......and then proceed with the grand elective process. As we see now, the post-elective theatre has become the expected fanciful show. It's just mind boggling that the surface procession of a free/open election proceeds, all the while a technically invalid sitting government is allowed to participate without questioning or challenge. We're just cycling [or recycling] the same disease and rot that has plagued Thai politics for ages. No one among the terribly confused [and suspiciously merging] coalition groups seem to want to recognize this reality.....that the present sitting government is false and illegal - yet, still able to participate and therefore able to pull strings here and there. No mentions or actions to rescind any of the false and illegal sitting [coup-based] government is enacted.....nothing is ever addressed regarding these matters that the Junta Gang are illegitimate. Yet, the whole of the elective process goes on with their active participation, all the while with standing appointed [not fairly elected] members still influential. Bizarre Thai politics. Same as it ever was.
  6. Hope springs eternal and wishful thinking is admirable......yet, nothing will come about in the manner that you speak of. They'll be allowed to hang around in the wings awaiting the chance [and situations] to pounce again. Thainess.
  7. He'll require strong and influential assistance though. Grand ideals, that contradict convention, will certainly have to be compromised. Learning the forced upon game could be a hindrance.
  8. Don't be too quick with your judgements and assessments as applying to the deeper relationships of the private sector [largely corporations and other powerful business interests] and the rich history of a ruling military class, as they all could be considered family within their corrupted circles.
  9. May be true that PT is displaying full support and confidence with MF, though many might have this gut suspicion that traditional [ruling classes] underhanded Thai politics is being played still........anywhere/anyhow they're looking for a crack in the current scenario.
  10. These types might want to become inspired to return to their respective homelands where life is much more wonderfully civilised - they can spend the rest of their years whinging on and being miserable.
  11. Rest assured they'll resurface in some manner. These classes aren't chased away easily.
  12. ......and bound to happen sooner than later. The revolution coming home - sort to speak.
  13. Those particular stepping stones require replacing with new stones. ....btw, I too can envision old Takky returning very soon and not involving himself directly into the political machine. Advising or maintaining support would be more likely the direction.
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