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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. Perhaps the Thais saw through the thin veneer and facade that Marky was promoting about himself. More than likely know that he was/is part and parcel of the same hardcore establishment club. Nothing more, nothing less. Nothing special about charlatans. Aside this reality, Abhisit was never a darling of the Thai political machine, but instead used, by the ruling elite, as a passing novelty to propel their means to an end. Those that hold Marky to some high regard need to reexamine and research deeper contemporary history.
  2. I recall a time here - perhaps 20 + years ago - when medical/healthcare/hospitalization cost were quite nominal across the board [private or govt] and generally extended to Thai citizens and foreign residents, where reasonable top quality of practice and care were the norm. A different world today. Over the last couple of decades, it's all dramatically changed for the worst. Especially, as applying to unnecessary costs towards everything/anything associated. Today's Thai medical and healthcare is beginning to resemble an American mirror of profit over well being........where everything is outta sight and not affordable for everyday folks - native or foreign. Fortunately still, there is the standing [Thaksin's] plan for locals, as well as extended care for those who are long time government employees with the automatic health packages/insurance.
  3. Speak for yourself. Shouldn't assume that most everyone is in the same boat as you. You're a depressing soul and nearly all of your OPs and posts reflect as such.
  4. Incredible cover band collective - https://www.youtube.com/@LexingtonLabBand/videos
  5. ....and these are the variety that consider themselves wise old hands. Obviously not. Innocent and naive is as innocent and naive does. Little sympathy extended.
  6. I'm quite astounded that some still play around with these types of dangerous [for them] activities. Wondering the intelligence levels of these individuals and their cohorts.
  7. Hmmmmm.... Yet, nothing is ever resolved by way of the benevolent Western intervention. Just the opposite comes about. History has shown us that.
  8. Yes.....perhaps we're judging the poor old general, and his charming circle, much too harshly. Maybe we really don't know what we have with Lung Tu.
  9. Tradition is still practiced throughout a wide spectrum of society. The moronic scenes tend to lose themselves among the usual and expected locales/groups.
  10. Must be tolerant with these types. It is the most propagandized and fashionable war of the time - they're easily swayed and conditioned. It appears to be, among a particular Western Anglophone set, to be taken by quite the manipulated fancy. Rather expected, don't ya think.....
  11. In a pinch, http://www.thai-language.com/ is quite adequate.
  12. Oh dear. Another one that long ago missed the boat.
  13. Could never see this coming about. The hidden and black economies are just too influential. Tradition.
  14. Indeed. Appears that this particular election, and it's flurry of said candidates, is shamefully wooing the elite classes. Even the beloved Move Forward folks are jumping on that bandwagon....in a manner of speaking.
  15. So....which one's the fascist? As they're both clearly qualified.
  16. Not a great revelation - both, historically, have been close....in a rather creepy manner. Birds of a feather.
  17. All that was needed was the fellow dictator of Cambodia. A full house. Pieces of work. The lot.
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