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Everything posted by zzaa09

  1. He deserves to be put away for quite some time. Under the basic laws of immorality and criminally corrupt. Crimes against the people and the earth.
  2. Nothing to see here. And nothing behind the curtain either. Move along, now......
  3. Nonetheless......don't be surprised, come May, that they cleverly maneuver something or another in their favour. It's been known to happen. ???? Also, wouldn't surprise me at all if he still has a greatly popular following and support amongst the tribes.
  4. Well....let's see - if I'm not mistaken, the dynasty is the government and has been running the show for ages. Semantics.
  5. Common misdirection and distraction techniques. The scent of a general election is in the air.
  6. Easy resolve. Set your tray, unassumingly, on the passage aisle. That'll get their attention.
  7. No election process require. Just await the next coup. Problems resolved.
  8. To the contrary. I believe there might be something wrong if he wasn't atop the list. Suspicious minds. ????
  9. They're much more desirable roasted on an open spit - just a side of <deleted> naam phraa and you have the perfect beer snack.
  10. Don't be so sure that he can't [or won't] be touched or dealt with. Understanding how things are really done here might be an education for some.
  11. I believe Khun Chuwit should be aware that the clandestine/black disappearing practices have never been shelved. He might find himself mysteriously gone next week. No one's the wiser and no one claims anything.
  12. Nonetheless, all this reasoned and hearty discussion and the robust yet rhetorical Thai authority-speak regarding the promotions and upgrades is all for not if they don't implement the practices that they're preaching. Airport, and other, authorities have a history of talking grand but really don't fulfill any such appointed and practical tasks. Usually amounts to one step forward and two steps back. I suspect nothing will change in the near or distance future, as it appears that they don't what they're doing or aren't sure of how they want to do it........adding to the misery will be the convoluted Thai bureaucratic and the seemingly paranoid mindset which usually inquires as to which way is up. They want it, in theory [or perhaps they don't] - yet, haven't figured out how to attain it. Unfortunately, any way they approach such issues will amount to a clusterphuck.
  13. The only reason for an expanded military would be to put down domestic uprisings and rebellions. Siwilai.
  14. As there hasn't been a real one developed and distributed anywhere yet.
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