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Posts posted by barrybike

  1. Hi there,

    the airbrush on my Harley was done by Hot Rod Pattaya (actually as the bike). These guys are doing a very good job in my opinion.



    really nice bike tom ,can you show more pictures of it ...i diddnt see this bike before...have you got it long....???? paint work looks top quality

  2. Apart from the beach what is there to do for the day on Koh Larn?

    Any nice eating places?

    yes mostly thai food and ,,its mostly where you sit they bring you a menu and come back with the food to you ..you can jet ski ,swim and other water sports too ,there is a shooting range inside it too but have never been to this ..its a nice place just to lay around and relax ,,make sure boat driver brings you to the good part ,,few year ago this boat driver brought us to a real stoney beach wasent nice at all ,probably had a deal going with the people on that place...ask them for european place not monkey beach as that one was called i think......

  3. The survey seems unfairly weighted

    Many may not want to go back but may have to for financial reasons

    I considered your point and I find it total BS with a cherry on top, you whinger.

    If you HAVE to go back because you're skint, you would vote one of the DON'T WANT TO GO BACK choices. Even if you ARE going to back, you can still not want to go back.

    whats your problem with caf .he just said he might have to return home because of financial situation..wheres the harm in saying that..he might not want to go back but if his money runs dry in thailand he might have to go back to work...there might be many in that situation

  4. pattaya is the worst place ever for water during songkran 13 to 19 ..avoid small sois between beach road and second road they are the worst ,soi 7 soi 8....usually stops at 6 pm....stay in a hotel on second road and avoid most of it ,some where like the royal palace......

  5. Used many times without issue though one tried to have one on with us. I basically told him to fk off and go try to con someone who doesnt know any better. He realized I wasn't going to pay him anything more and he sulked off. :o

    thats the stuff .nice one britmaveric........i cant understand how they are getting away with this ...you think they would be glad to get customers let along then try to rip you off too........stay clear of these con artists and hit them where it hurts-in the pocket...then after a while they might appreciate getting the business........

  6. i think central festival is good for the area and it is a good shopping mall....what are ye all complaining about ...youd swear there wasent enough beer bars in pattaya for you to go to...eventually there wont be any beer bars along beach road ,it will be all developments like this......if you lived in a remote part of thailand you would be greatful to have a place like this on your doorstep to go to shop ,look at movies,eat etc

  7. Thanks for your suggestions... im coming over on a multi visa so will be staying for 15 months and my buedget is 50- 60 thousand baht to rent a condo... i looked at naklua and that seems a really nice place to live.. anybody know any estate agents in pattaya to look at on the net...

    I will give you a good tip....don' t do anything til you get here.

    Stay in a hotel for a week a take a good look around and you will get a good idea of what is available.

    As for View Talay if you like housing commision style places they should suit you fine.

    agreed with tolley..take your time ,dont do anything until you get there ..look around and see where is the best situation for you.....if you arev staying there for 15 months you will be better off around the naklua area or jomtien ...

  8. hi all ive 150 rai of rubber trees in dan sai ,loei ,little over 12,000 trees sowed , they are going on 2 years old now ........do any of ye have a rough idea what we will get back from them when they are ready to harvest , i suppose another 3 or 4 years time they will be getting ready to take rubber from them .......

    any information would be great thanks ,,,,,,,,,barry

    From SAP's earlier post: "400 kg/rai is still a conservative yield. 600-800 kg/rai are consistently achieved."

    So this is the harvest. Times that with your forecasted price of rubber (crystal ball gazing) and you will have your revenue. Take the expenses from this figure and you should have your gross profit. As others have pointed out the expenses can vary wildly based on many things so difficult for anyone else to advise you on.

    Sounds like you have a big project underway. Good luck with it and let us know how things work out. Any photos?

    thanks yes i will put some photos here ,my wife took some on her camera..........

  9. Hello Barry

    Sounds like you have gotten into rubber in a big way and not done much homework. How much you get depends more on you then the trees. Do you live on or near the plantation.If not you will get what [ whoever is running the show] gives you. Not much I would bet. As I have said before, you can't be an absentee land lord,you can not control anything, money you send for fertiliser etc can just go into someones pocket. Your workers will sit round drinking etc. and you are talking a lot of money to maintain 150 Rai of rubber.

    On the bright side when all the trees are up and running and you are getting your true returns, even if it is not run very well, you should get over $50,000 US a year.

    The whole rubber game is a mine field for the unwary, thats why you see such big differences in the price of mature plantations, A plantation of 150 Rai of good trees on good land with proper title would be worth [on paper] over 1.5 million US. Bad trees bad land bad title would be worth the lumber value.

    Hope thats not too depressing a reply, hope it all goes will, best of luck JIM

    hi james ,thanks for the advice ...the land is good ,very good soil ,and we have the proper land title ,so thats not a problem ..we are not there full time yet as me and my wife are still working in ireland to pay for all of this ,im in pub business here in ireland although i do have a diploma in amenity horticulture...ive some experience of what im doing, we are lucky enough because my wifes sister is taking care and overseeing the fertilisering and keeping the ground clean etc...we will move there in a few year ..as we will have to as you say to take care of it......my wifes family are fairly experienced in rubber trees as all of them have rt land in south thailand ,tung song..my wife heard alot of southerners were selling up what they had and buying way more land in loei for smaller money a few year ago..and the climate there too suits them ...chang beer company have 1000 rai of rubber trees sowed there too ,their trees are 3 year old now....im still 35 years old so no rush on me moveing full time for a bit.............you seem to know your stuff on rubber trees .i appreciate the advice...........barry

  10. what a great game between ireland and wales .best game of rugby for a long time .......went right down to the wire.....well done to ireland for coming out on the top...first time for them in 61 years to get the grand slam....stephen jones appeared to have denied ireland the clean sweep when he landed a drop goal ,but ronan o gara struck the decisive blow with 2 minutes remaining........brilliant stuff.............. :o:D:D

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