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Posts posted by barrybike

  1. Don't let the rest of these guys give you bad advice. They are just jealous because they don't have enough money to buy a beer bar of there own.

    They are GREAT investments and your girlfriend will love you for getting her one. In fact you might want to get two or three of them, that way she will make more money and of course she will have to give you some of it.

    :D:D lol im sure she would love it ,great investments i wont even answer that one ............ :o

  2. Hopefully I can get some advice from this board as it's been helpful in other areas. My fiancee, who is Thai, finally received her K1 visa (7 long months). She's coming over to the US permanently in April. She currently has a consumer bank account with Siam Commercial Bank and has used them for her fiances for many years. I am currently a long standing member of Chase (JP Morgan Chase) in the states. Because she has a fair amount of capital in her account, we are unsure of the best option for us to manage that account from foreign soil. I do know that Bank of America has a local branch in Bangkok and was wondering if anyone has any experience with them. We're trying to decide if it's worth closing her Siam bank account and opening up an account both in a US branch and the Bangkok branch. That way, accessbility to her Thai account, may be easier from the states, since both accounts are within Bank of America. We'd like to keep an account open in thailand for future trips back as well as to have some security for her family in case an emergency arises. Don't know if there are any other US banks in Bangkok. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks

    you can always transfer money to siam comercial from your own account in usa .leave the account open in thailand would be my advice......

  3. This is one of this creepiest Thai news items I have ever read but there is a certain logic to it, assuming you can accept the total loss of privacy (which is both shocking and creepy).


    If they knock on my door, I'll be polite and take the form but I won't bring it back to the police station. By not returning the form, I don't think I'll be breaking any law.

    I'm surprised they didn't ask for the size of your penis.

    No need.. Every Thai already knows that all farangs are hung like donkeys :D

    lol :o sounds creepy though alright that they want this knid on info

  4. Just discovered an open air bar, opened 2 weeks ago, on a road in the Papadeang (sp?) area of BKK. The Thai owner and his family seem to have a few bikes and while I was having a beer about 10 mostly HD's stopped to say hello on their way to a wedding nearby.

    Papadeang is on the opposite side of the Chao Praya river from Phrakanong, Bang na. I often take the ferry (bikes and pedestrians only, about 10 baht each way) at Sanpawut road and drive around the area there and have a few drinks.

    The bar (shed) I found is on the way from the ferry to the new (ringroad) bridge built over the Chao Praya. Opens at 4pm I was told and there will always be 1 or more chopper type bikes be parked at the bar. Can't remeber the name but the owner and his family seem very nice people.

    thanks jrbkk64 for this place ,if you have any more exact info name etc would be great thanks

  5. Listerine in a spray bottle works really well. Also, keep a sheet of cling free or similar clothes dryer fabric softener in your pocket. They hate the stuff and you won't be bothered further.

    sounds good never heard these ideas before :o . is that the fabric you put into dryer when drying clothes ...just put it in pocket ..i must try this coz the buggers go to town om me sometimes

  6. out to the grape field place cant think of the name of the place...then near it too the buddah on the side of the mountain.nice area and not far .lovely beach out in sattahip owned by the army....while there you can check out the big fighter ships near there worth a look ,then on the way back check out under water world ,where you walk around and the fish are over and around you everywhere ....sattahip is good place for some seafishing too if you are into it ,some lovely temples out around that area where grape and buddah on mountain are......then the new floating market on the way to sattahip is well worth a visit......

  7. And what about post #14 then...

    There you said you felt embarrased enough for him. Why was that then?

    Let this guy do what he wants.. Fat guys not wearing a shirt in restaurants bother me more.

    That is something the Thais dont like..

    ya i said i felt embarrassed for him that dosent mean i was looking down on him ........thailand supposdly being a third world country and here is a farang busking that probably paid 50,000 baht for a flight to get there in the first place.......is this not unusual or what ...!!!!!!!!!!! as for the fat guy not wearing the t shirt in the restaurant its not much of a restaurant for letting him do it then is it.......

  8. I will ask close friends/relatives to help with such things to a reasonable level, sure, why not?

    On the other hand, I have been asked to export things from Thailand like prescription meds and I have to say no because you can technically get into trouble bringing in meds to the US that you don't have a scrip for.

    Just how hard is it in Thailand to get a prescription for anything?

    are you joking with this question.just walk into pharmacy and get it .no prescription required :o

  9. there seems to be alot of bad stuff happening around pattaya these days,,,,,,i rode around several small sois during pattaya bike week on a hired 750 ..only new.....would make me think again some what of the dangers out there...this recession will hit everyone and the criminals are no exception......i think the police are not visible enough in pattaya.youd never see two cops walking around much....i know you wouldnt want to see cops every where but if it could stop stuff like this happaning .i saw on pattaya news a few weeks ago a 74 year old woman and husband were attacked and robbed walking along jomtien.they dont care who they rob,i think they actually got someone for that............i like pattaya as much as anyone and i try to talk good about the place all the time to people but if stuff like this keeps happening people will stay away from the place in big numbers .and then who are the ones losing out only the pattaya people themselves........more law on the streets id say would be a start,im going to pattaya for 8 years and i always felt really safe there but lately there is some real horror stories going on ....crime is up alot in the last year

    That's because the police are primarily focused on issuing tickets (or collecting money) for no-helmet offenses.

    i agree with that ...................

  10. there seems to be alot of bad stuff happening around pattaya these days,,,,,,i rode around several small sois during pattaya bike week on a hired 750 ..only new.....would make me think again some what of the dangers out there...this recession will hit everyone and the criminals are no exception......i think the police are not visible enough in pattaya.youd never see two cops walking around much....i know you wouldnt want to see cops every where but if it could stop stuff like this happaning .i saw on pattaya news a few weeks ago a 74 year old woman and husband were attacked and robbed walking along jomtien.they dont care who they rob,i think they actually got someone for that............i like pattaya as much as anyone and i try to talk good about the place all the time to people but if stuff like this keeps happening people will stay away from the place in big numbers .and then who are the ones losing out only the pattaya people themselves........more law on the streets id say would be a start,im going to pattaya for 8 years and i always felt really safe there but lately there is some real horror stories going on ....crime is up alot in the last year

  11. MMMmm, i like buskers. If their good, i'll give them money, cause i like their music and prefer it to the loud speakers from the guys selling the bootleg cd's.

    If their bad, they get nothing from me.

    But complaining about them? Lots of other stuff to complain about than good music.

    It's a shame they are looked down upon. Music is a wonderful thing.

    I bet he wouldn't be looked down upon in Ireland (a country where many of the world's best musicians and poets come from)

    Do you think maybe they are good because they are not looked down upon???

    i wrote this topic as i thought it was an unusual sight to see in thailand .i never said anything about looking down on any one fiddlehead ok........

  12. agreed ,the fun last for a short while.....then you get really fed up of being soaked..and its hard to smile at it all the time ..i like to travel by car when its on and keep windows firmly up

  13. I normally have the opposite problem of the OP. When I order a steak, I order rare, and in Thailand it usually comes out well done.

    are you serious .i dont like steak well done but in thailand thats what i have to say to get anything thats half edible , i like medium to well done but i think in thailand this would be 30 seconds on the pan and served out to you .there is a place near jomtien in pattaya manhattan staekhouse that serve perfectly but very expensive....i was in a place in siam paragon forget the name but good too..i was staying in the alexander a few weeks ago and a few meters down from it there was a huge sign european steak house , you want to see the crap steak i got ..un eadible ..it was nearly raw ,,and i stressed to them very very well done and this is what i got ....when i complained after all i got was sorry ....i said well done is not fffnnnn pink.........

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