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Posts posted by barrybike

  1. ok so this is a bit of a long story, but i would appreciate some advice as i cannot ifnd much specific to my situation online.

    I am a british citizen living in england, and met my thai girlfriend here almost two years ago. she became pregnant around august last year and wanted to go home to see family etc and have the baby there. She had also overstyed her visa already by quite a long time. the thai embassy helped her sort out gettin back (they told her to "lose" her passport and gave her a permission to travel document).

    The baby is now due in around a month and i will be flying over for 3-4 weeks for the birth. i was planning to simply get married while we are over there then help her apply for a visa, come back myself and for her to follow when the visa is done. now however we have realised she was not even divorced (her thinkin it had been done while she was in england) so she has finalised that in the last few weeks and tells me we cannot now marry for around 300 days. so i have been lookin into fiancee visas.

    The question i have is mainly toward the evidence you need to provide that you have met each other and know each other and stuff. i obviously have alot of photos of us together showin when she was in england which are dated and things. but since she went to thailand, although we speak on the phone everyday, i have no evidence of this as i do not recieve itemised billing and have changed phones twice. Surely the baby will be proof enough of our relationship? or will i still need some other proof, and if so what?

    also i would like to kno if there is anyway of speeding the process up because we have a child together as i want to spend as much time with them both as soon as possible. does anyone know if there is special application or type of visa for this? or anyone in a similar situation could share their experience.

    i really would appreciate any advice or suggestions greatly as i feel like there is nothing i can do at the moment and the waiting around is killing me.

    ive never heard of proof like that before but anyway what you need most importantly is proof that you pay tax working etc ,maybe some electricity bill in your name to prove you have a house for them to live when they go back with you full time , a bank statement of course to prove you can provide for them ....the divorce bit sounds tricky ,get married in a proper regristrary office in bangkok .you will need a birth certificate , passport . your gf will need certificate too , go to thai embassy with your gf to sort all the stuff out before you do this and go to the uk embassy in bangkok also they will tell you and her what you need too , about the proof sure when baby is born ,they can do a test on you to prove you are the father ,just a hair from your head or swab in your mouth...alot of people go to these visa agencies any pay them stupid money for just going to the few places i mentioned already.takes a bit of going around but its no bother when you have everything correct ........pity she didnt have the child in the uk as it would have saved a lot of hassle ,...hope this helps a little ....i just wrote this coz the way you were saying simply go over get married and come back ,its not that simple................shit loads of paper work involved...

  2. I am seriously interested in being the first person in Oz (or LOS) to have one of these!


    bsj there would be some serious torque from that bad dog ,3500 cc ,how much do you think it would cost for everything to get one on the road ??? i think the customs in thailand would go fairly hard on you to import one of those bikes ........

  3. chonburi is a province ,pattaya is there ,sattahip ,sri racha ,jomtien, yes some nice areas to visit and plenty of things to do for everyone.......... :o alot of bargirls and vice there in pattaya is biggest problem if you dont want your friends kids in an area like that....but some really good hotels there too........your friend might be telling you about kanchanburi too by the sounds of it (my spelling is prob wrong too) its more of sight seeing place ,its where the river kwai is remember from the film bridge over the river kwai...this would be closer to bangkok

  4. St. Patties Day update...

    sign out in front of the (Sukhumvit) Soi 8 pub today... 99 baht pints of Guinness all day next Tuesday... one baht cheaper than the Dubliner mentioned above... but be prepared for lots of cigarette smoke...

    do they not enforce the smoking ban then here....................

  5. Beverly Hills? Some of the posts make it sound riff-raff central. :o

    But seriously, some of those places are pretty expensive and I wonder why the residents don't chip-in on some quality, professional security teams. Honestly, if the place is known as a no nonsense, cross the line and you will experience some pain and thrown in jail area, crime would go down.


    sounds like a good idea ...........

  6. if your ever back in ireland again ,come to my pub in wexford the out house bar and lounge.the best pint you will ever taste .guaranteed ......my wife from thailand can keep your missus busy chatting while you enjoy your pint :D

    Is your pub in Wexford town and if so what street ?

    its between wexford town and new ross town ,12 mile from each place ,about 2 mile off main road .place called foulksmills ,county wexford.. :o

  7. you are 35, even at 40 you will still have/want to work.

    doing some job on the net/phone probably is easiest to do, even without permits - and you can earn $ instead of baht.

    on my extended holidays in thailand I don't have enough time to do everything I want to. Even when I reduce promoting my business and answering emails to a bare minimum, still I can offord only a fev days of travelling around.

    depending what you fancy, but travelling, sports, gardening (even growing your own fruits and vegetables), learning some new skills on courses (including through the net), socialising, learning language will take you all time.

    thanks ,ya im big into custom bikes and have alot of friends involved in this throughout thailand so that would be my hobby ,ya im still 35 well 36 soon ,i was saying we are trying to get things together before we move , we have 150 rai of rubber trees grown ,little over 12,000 trees in it ,theyre going on 2 years old now so hopefully in another 3 or 4 years we will get something back from them as i was saying i was just wondering how some people put in their time there .cheeers

  8. hi this might sound like a stupid question to some ,but i was wondering how do you guys put in the days in thailand everyday , ie if you are not working i mean ....retired or just moved there and not working ,do you find the days long or do you eventually get a routine going , im not not living there yet full time yet ,still 35 ,but im trying to get things together ,house ,land etc before we make the move...im just curious ,,i know there must be more than going to pub,restaurant all the time.........as i say may be dumb question but may be some of ye have some good ideas to share with us ,

  9. I made the mistake of having the 99THB breakfast at MM's. The "soda bread" was a single piece of white toast. The sausages were foul-tasting, and no bigger than the tips of my fingers. Perhaps I was eating the tips of someone's fingers - the sausages were horrible. The bacon was nearly raw. The meal was served on a plate covered with grease. Absolute cr@p.

    Since I was the one who posted about it based on their advertisement, but hadn't tried it myself yet, I felt compelled based on the comment above to try the 99 baht breakfast special on offer now at Molly Malone's pub on Soi Convent in Silom. And, contrary to the experience above, I had a very nice, satisfying, perfectly prepared breakfast there at a great price. No complaints whatsoever.


    As the photo above attests, they served up a very good portion of eggs, which I ordered and received scrambled. One normal size sausage link, (unless one has enormously long finger tips), and two strips of bacon hiding under the fried hash browns patty. One slice of white bread toast (not sure if it was "soda" bread or not) and butter. And a large pot of boiling hot tea. Everything was well-cooked and there wasn't a hint of any grease on my plate, except for a bit that came off the bacon. Prompt and pleasant service. Total bill with tax.... 106 baht.

    Certainly would order it again, any time I'm hungry for breakfast in the Silom area...

    nothing wrong with that by the looks of it and well priced too ............

  10. What's wrong about busking, other than it is not exactly legal for foreigners in Thailand??

    I always enjoyed buskers in the shopping areas in European cities unless it was the Peruvian El-Condor-Pasa-Panflute-and-Poncho bunch... :D

    ya sure why dont we all start busking in thailand ...start a farang busking club......... :o

  11. no way ,i wouldnt pay it ..my wife is from south too ,family all have rubber trees ,i put 5000 euro in jar surrounded by flowers at wedding cermony in the morning ,after the wedding we went back to the room and her father handed it back to me ,it was just a show for relations to see...in the morning i paid the novotel lotus bangkok for the wedding , im married 3 years in november and i never once had to give any of her family money....thanks be to god ...its hard enough now a days keeping yourself going without having to keep aanother family going too ,i pity the guys that have to do this......

  12. if your ever back in ireland again ,come to my pub in wexford the out house bar and lounge.the best pint you will ever taste .guaranteed ......my wife from thailand can keep your missus busy chatting while you enjoy your pint :o

  13. I have tried the TOPS brand...and the BOOTS brand. Both have generally low quality and/or dont work very well.

    Then I found the WATSONS brand of razor blades (triple-blade sold in a pack of five blades).

    This worked great!

    To my shock (and horror), I went to several watsons and couldnt find it anywhere.

    Finally a clerk told me that "we dont make it anymore".


    so can anyone suggest another brand (another means NOT tops and NOT boots) that they have found to work well (work well means the lubricating strip doesnt fall off after five seconds of use; also work well means the mechanism to attach to the razor handle actually keeps it attached and doesnt fall off ) ?


    gillette blue 2 plus are good enough for me ,get them in boots pack of 5 and get 1 free

  14. It would be very helpful if someone could let me know, especially since CDwarehouse has closed down, whether there's anywhere in Bangkok with a reasonable range of jazz CDs.

    cd music shops in the mall bang kapi have good range of everything and if they havent got what u want im sure they will order it for u

  15. I know a farang who lives in Pattaya on US Social Security. He seems happy and gets along pretty well on a little more than 20,000 baht per month. He is a balloon chaser but no one minds since he is now about 70 years old.

    whats a balloon chaser..excuse my ignorance just wondering ??????????

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