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Posts posted by barrybike

  1. hi all ive 150 rai of rubber trees in dan sai ,loei ,little over 12,000 trees sowed , they are going on 2 years old now ........do any of ye have a rough idea what we will get back from them when they are ready to harvest , i suppose another 3 or 4 years time they will be getting ready to take rubber from them .......

    any information would be great thanks ,,,,,,,,,barry

  2. mostly women caught because theyre young and have feelings too ,theyre probably trying to take the pain out of going home with some fat old 70 year old for the night ...could you blame them really (no offence against any older members reading this) just the harsh reality of what some young bar girls have to go through to get some money

  3. best way to stay away from heavy water in pattaya during songkran in stay off sois between beach road and second road during the day time until 6 pm its not bad after this time ...stay some where like the royal palace on second road ,i stayed in flipper house soi 8 for a songkran 2years ago ,the minute i walked out of hotel i was drounded with water ,that soi is unreal for water during this time...be warned.............

  4. There was a simalar setup on the Rayong road a couple of years ago, a rigged accident which turned out to be a robbery.

    Your freind had the right idea, drive on and telephone the police to check it out.

    yes ive heard of tactic before ...you have the right idea........

  5. Hope you have luck and find a bar open with a great atmosphere to watch the match and I hope you will be happy with just the championship,

    The Triple crown will be ours.

    C'mon Cymru

    remind me there of your recent record against us in cardiff?


    the 61 years of waiting is about to come to and end

    Our recent record against you in Cardiff may not be that good but then your record of winning grand slams aint too good either.

    I hope its a good match and the best team wins, I hope its Wales but if its Ireland then there is no other team I would rather see win a grand slam, good luck

    same here .come on ireland :o

  6. better head back to his own country ,he needs help and hes in the wrong place to get it .......he will only get worse if he stays in the same situation as he is now ......tell him to go home and get things on track again and that thailand will always be there again if he wants to return.its a pity to hear of stories like this but i bet hes not the first or wont be the last ........

  7. Checked the usual suspects (Tesco Carrefour) expecting to find it commonly... anyone seen it around the traps or is it more in the specialist hair supply stores?


    you can get the gel type brylcreem but the old traditional one in the red screw cap jar is impossible to find......

  8. ok so this is a bit of a long story, but i would appreciate some advice as i cannot ifnd much specific to my situation online.

    I am a british citizen living in england, and met my thai girlfriend here almost two years ago. she became pregnant around august last year and wanted to go home to see family etc and have the baby there. She had also overstyed her visa already by quite a long time. the thai embassy helped her sort out gettin back (they told her to "lose" her passport and gave her a permission to travel document).

    The baby is now due in around a month and i will be flying over for 3-4 weeks for the birth. i was planning to simply get married while we are over there then help her apply for a visa, come back myself and for her to follow when the visa is done. now however we have realised she was not even divorced (her thinkin it had been done while she was in england) so she has finalised that in the last few weeks and tells me we cannot now marry for around 300 days. so i have been lookin into fiancee visas.

    The question i have is mainly toward the evidence you need to provide that you have met each other and know each other and stuff. i obviously have alot of photos of us together showin when she was in england which are dated and things. but since she went to thailand, although we speak on the phone everyday, i have no evidence of this as i do not recieve itemised billing and have changed phones twice. Surely the baby will be proof enough of our relationship? or will i still need some other proof, and if so what?

    also i would like to kno if there is anyway of speeding the process up because we have a child together as i want to spend as much time with them both as soon as possible. does anyone know if there is special application or type of visa for this? or anyone in a similar situation could share their experience.

    i really would appreciate any advice or suggestions greatly as i feel like there is nothing i can do at the moment and the waiting around is killing me.

    ive never heard of proof like that before but anyway what you need most importantly is proof that you pay tax working etc ,maybe some electricity bill in your name to prove you have a house for them to live when they go back with you full time , a bank statement of course to prove you can provide for them ....the divorce bit sounds tricky ,get married in a proper regristrary office in bangkok .you will need a birth certificate , passport . your gf will need certificate too , go to thai embassy with your gf to sort all the stuff out before you do this and go to the uk embassy in bangkok also they will tell you and her what you need too , about the proof sure when baby is born ,they can do a test on you to prove you are the father ,just a hair from your head or swab in your mouth...alot of people go to these visa agencies any pay them stupid money for just going to the few places i mentioned already.takes a bit of going around but its no bother when you have everything correct ........pity she didnt have the child in the uk as it would have saved a lot of hassle ,...hope this helps a little ....i just wrote this coz the way you were saying simply go over get married and come back ,its not that simple................shit loads of paper work involved...

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