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Posts posted by MTH

  1. Are you referring to the Standard Morgan Investment Fund?

    It's kind of a pyramid scheme where investors recruit others for higher investment returns. It has been going on for a while now here in Pattaya, the rest of Thailand as well as in addition to some other countries. Not much news in English to be found about it. There is a blurb at the bottom of an article posted last month by a BKK news source we're not allowed to quote here, however that blurb is basically a summary of this DSI report, (unfortunately only in Thai).

  2. If they avoided arrest, who are those in the picture with the police?

    read the full story in the link, they got 4 of the "attendants"

    The ''report'' does say THEY made a hasty retreat.

    Not sure if you've paid attention to that news articles here are almost never quoted in full. This is according to the forum rules.

    If you do read the full story on pattayaone, the article ends with:

    "Four of the attendants were arrested and taken to Pattaya Police Station where they were held pending further investigations."

  3. There are tons of little shops along Sukhumvit that does odd repairs and aircon maintenance. Just look for the thai writing แอร์ on the car mechanic shops.

    I've used the shop two townhouses down from the Esso station just north of Pattaya tai, however this is quite a few years ago, so not sure if it's the same god service as back then. After I bough a new car I've had the dealer do the all service. Dealers don't usually repair parts though, they replace with new parts, had to replace my compressor once and that wasn't cheap. The smaller shops will give you the option of refurbished parts if you want to save some monies.

    • Like 1
  4. I've always considered the 344 route farther, however since you though the OP's GPS defaulted to this route due to it being shorter, I had to plug it into Google maps to confirm my believes. It turns out the 344 route is 20 Km farther than using 36, it also comes out about 15 minutes longer, if you're to believe their time calculations.

    Like you're idea about taking 36 there and 344 back for comparison, and some different scenery.

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  5. When I did these trips myself, I would always take 36 to Rayong, Kleang, Chantaburi and then north to Pong Nam Ron on 317. The visa run mini busses also takes this route.

    344 takes you into Kleang, not Chantaburi. That route is longer and parts of it would be more heavily trafficked as well.

    Been a while since I did one last, different visa these days. However I would always go to Prum instead of Pailin, lot less people there and slightly closer.

  6. When you go to renew the tax, the late fee is 1% per month. So for a small bike that will be about 1 baht/month.

    You will need an inspection of a bike that's 5 years or older.

    As for the testing station at the LTO close to the Regents in Pattaya, they were closed for a while, supposedly for renovation, but has been open again for at least 1 year.

  7. Used to be no problem obtaining a one year license on just a visa exempt entry in Pattaya.

    However I recently saw this disconcerting post. Maybe you can go to the DLT and make an appointment ahead of you sons arrival, to speed things up.

    Thanks for posting that info. I will check into making an appointment if that is all that was needed. I was afraid that they would not provide a license without a Visa. Still wondering if they will on just a 30 day stay.

    You shouldn't have any problems with your son being on a visa exempt entry. He can use your address for the residency letter. Do a search on the forum as to what's required. The LTO here has so far not required a visa for the one year temporary license.

  8. Yes the two money exchanges in Soi Diana - always higher than TT by a fraction


    Opposite Areca Lodge and next to LK Renaissance and the other one is directly opposite same side as Areca

    Others talk about the money exchange in Tops Supermarket - corner of Pattaya Klang and 2nd Road BR side - depends on your location

    Hello thanks for that. I walked from Pattaya Klang and checked out Tops before heading off and can confirm the best rate was the money changer up soi Diana. The Areca Lodge side one near the Family Mart beat the lot. It also beat the Chinese looking money changer next door to Meeting Point bar on 2nd road, good advice thank you.

    At Tops don't rely on what you see on board you need to talk to them and try and bargain the rate.

    They often give a lower rate than listed on the board.

    Good point, It would be nice to know if Ling Kae actually went up to the second floor of Tops, or just checked the exchange on the main floor.

    I haven't exchanged currencies in Pattaya for years, but previously Bank Gold on Soi Rungland, Yengjit on Walking Street and lately second floor of Tops have been know to have the best rates in town. However it's quite possible that TT has better rates these days.

  9. That's as far south as I've seen these found. Has their ever been any sightings in Bangkok? Bangkok seems to most have white lip green vipers which are less toxic.

    I'm surprised you'd state that, as from the sources I've seen on the internet, they'd be found way more south as well.

    From Wikipedia:

    Geographic range [edit]

    Found in Thailand, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, northern West Malaysia and on the Indonesian island of Java. The type locality is listed as "Java".[1] There are unconfirmed, but credible reports from southern Myanmar (Burma), northern Sumatra and northern Borneo.

    Other sources: Source1 Source2.

  10. Any updates on where the Aeon ATM's are? Still only 4 locations?

    Dongtan (somewhere?)

    Tesco on Nua

    Big C on Klang

    Homeworks near Tai

    the dongtan one was an urban myth

    the others are still in the same location

    was at Homeworks ATM today

    still quiet

    It's often offline.

    I'm really surprised to hear that.

    Granted I haven't used it since June last year, but before then, it used to be my preferred spot to withdraw monies, and I've never seen it out of commission. The one in Carrefour, or nowadays Big C Extra, has quite often been out of monies though. Never used the one in north Tesco, so can't comment on that one.

    Lately I've just been transferring straight to my BKK bank account with a minor loss compared to withdrawing from the ATM. But that's another story.

    Regarding the Dongtan location, it's just a TV myth.

  11. i like this dude... he knows what he's talking about......

    Wow great vid! Man that's a fast striking snake. Not sure if this guy is a bit crazy, or what he's wearing for protection, but this reminds me of the late Steve Irvin.

    I'd never put myself in this kind of situation without proper gear, and that does not comprise of just a tree branch. Then again, I'm a wimp when it comes to snakes.w00t.gif

  12. May I ask what kind of dog you have?

    I plan to get myself a cute beagle (sorry if I write it wrong, it's a small white one with black and brown areas), but I wonder if my "future" can catch a snake or is so slow it will never has a chance to grab (and kill) a snake?

    It's a Thai dog, some kind of mutt, we adopted her from a village up in Isaan a bit over 5 years ago. She's a great family and watch dog, but she gets into trouble, as she tries to kill pretty much any other animal she encounters, even tried to go for a pig once. She gets along with most other dogs, but they soon get tired of her rough play. Think overherebc answered your question about how a beagle would fare if it encountered a snake. Very lovely dogs though.

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  13. I don't know anything about snakes but it does look dangerous, I mean the shape of the head scares me...

    How is your dog doing? Give the dog a nice steak! Deserved it smile.png

    Yes, the shape of the head is what make me think it's a viper. Very scary snake.

    Dog is doing well, Thank You. Watched her after the incident but she didn't show any signs of having been bitten.

  14. Okay, I found this old thread:


    So I'd like to find this pedal bike shop "CH Numchai".

    I gather it's about halfway between Bangkok Hospital Pattaya and Banglamung Police Station. On the east side of Sukhumvit.

    I also gather from that thread it's "on the corner of Sukhumvit and Soi Chayapornviti (Soi Crocodile Farm)". And that this soi is probably on the other side of Sukhumvit from a turn-off to Banglamung Hospital. Unfortunately none of the four maps of the Pattaya area I have show "Soi Chayapornviti (Soi Crocodile Farm)". Does anyone have a Soi Sukhumvit Pattaya number or a Soi Sukhumvit Naklua number for this soi?

    Alternatively i understand the shop is at "474 m.4 Sukhumvit Naklua" - but I have no idea what that means.

    Oh the joys of trying to locate addresses in Thailand!

    Thank you.

    Here you go, Numchai Bicycles, took me less than a minute to find the place on Google maps with your reference to Soi Chayapornviti.

    Wow. Well done - and thank you. Yes, I must learn to use Google maps more. If you searched on "Soi Chayapornviti" I'm slightly surprised you found it as it's spelt differently on the Google map graphic.

    So it looks like Soi Chayapornviti might be Soi Sukhumvit Pattaya 30? At any rate, cyclists of the future who are following my tyre tracks, might want to know CH Numchai Bicycles looks like it's on the east side of Sukhumvit, between Soi Sukhumvit Pattaya 31 and Soi Sukhumvit Pattaya 29. If you're heading north on Sukhumvit (as I will be), look out for Soi Sukhumvit Pattaya 18 on the west side. CH Numchai Bicycles will be coming up shortly on the other side of the road.

    That's the theory!

    You're welcome, guess I should have been more clear, I actually already knew where Chayapornviti is located, just didn't know about the bicycle shop. But since you said it was on the corner to Sukhumvit, it was quite easy for me to find. Agree that searching for a Thai name in English can be frustrating due to different transliterations.

    Regards to Chayapornviti being soi 30 is incorrect, Chayapornviti is actually not a soi, it's a classified as a road and as you stated located between soi 29 and 31. Sois are numbered even on one side, and odd on the other side of a road/street.

    Here is an old map that I probably downloaded from Thaivisa years ago. It does have Chayapornviti on it, maybe it'll come to some use while you're getting familiar with Google maps. Even though it's a bit dated.


  15. Okay, I found this old thread:


    So I'd like to find this pedal bike shop "CH Numchai".

    I gather it's about halfway between Bangkok Hospital Pattaya and Banglamung Police Station. On the east side of Sukhumvit.

    I also gather from that thread it's "on the corner of Sukhumvit and Soi Chayapornviti (Soi Crocodile Farm)". And that this soi is probably on the other side of Sukhumvit from a turn-off to Banglamung Hospital. Unfortunately none of the four maps of the Pattaya area I have show "Soi Chayapornviti (Soi Crocodile Farm)". Does anyone have a Soi Sukhumvit Pattaya number or a Soi Sukhumvit Naklua number for this soi?

    Alternatively i understand the shop is at "474 m.4 Sukhumvit Naklua" - but I have no idea what that means.

    Oh the joys of trying to locate addresses in Thailand!

    Thank you.

    Here you go, Numchai Bicycles, took me less than a minute to find the place on Google maps with your reference to Soi Chayapornviti.

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