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Posts posted by MTH

  1. I am sad to inform you that good service, Pattaya and Honda cannot be used in the same sentence with any truth in it.

    Just want to give a recent update... couldn't agree more! Unfortunately...

    Have Honda PCX 125... nice bike. One shortcoming is there is no kick start; you have to have a decent battery to start it. Just returned from a year overseas... original battery, even though had been out of vehicle and on a timed float charge had gone toast. (Yuasa)

    Went to Milton service shop at train road and Soi Muslim (Num plum wan) and asked for a new battery. Sorry, no got. What ??? When you have? Maybe week or so, call back. Does any other shop have around town. Sorry, no got. How about I buy one from bike in showroom and then when you get batteries, you put back? Sorry, no can do might sell bike.

    So how am I to start motorbike? Sorry, no idea.

    Now I was thinking it, but didn't say it. Also thought about asking to speak to boss... but realized TIT !!! You can't fix it, all you can do is work around.

    Went to TukCom basement and bought 12 V emergency lighting battery, some wire and clips. Although it didn't fit the battery hole, it does work. Now I will get the correct battery on principal, but from someplace else if I can.

    In Thailand you need to "vote" with your wallet; even though it doesn't make a rats ass... at least you will feel better.

    I've always been using the Honda shop after Soi Batman on Sukhumvit. Can't complain about their service, been buying batteries for our bikes there as well, not for a pcx though.

    For my car I've always used this shop, good fast service and competitive pricing. Maybe they have batteries for the pcx as well. Could at least be worth checking it out.

  2. A bit of an over-reaction I think. In my place the customer get,s one full C.C. of sauce whether they need it or not smile.png and so far no shootings smile.png

    one cc? wow. a millilitre of sauce per serving. not a lot is it?

    5 cc = 1 tea spoon.

    Just for the record, 1 cc = 1 cubic centimeter = 1 centiliter = 10 milliliters. I however have no idea how many milliliters a tea spoon equals :-)

    You have no idea how many milliliters a tea spoon equals... That's perfectly fine, however I'd say you have no idea how many centiliter a cc equals either. biggrin.png

    So just for the record, masuk is correct, 1 cc is equal to 1 milliliter, or 0.1 centiliter.

    (That would be about 20% of a teaspoon).

  3. Have had 10 cats done over the years at Jomtien Animal Hospital on Sukhumvit opposite the Ford Dealer, they all survived, forget the cost.

    You must be talking about the Na Jomtien Animal Hospital, took my dog there for the first year of her existence. Can see why you forgot about the cost.., they do take great care but I was appalled by their pricing structure. For the last four years I’ve taken her to the Siam Country Pet Hospital on SSCC instead, similar care and about 20-30% of the cost.

  4. February has well past and gone, would be nice to hear from the OP to find out where they stayed and if it’s recommended or not.
    If I’ve seen this thread earlier, I’d put my vote down for Samed Villas as well.

  5. Funny enough, (or tragically enough) I would assume a 250cc bike is considered a ‘big bike’ here in Thailand, and as Guzzi so well puts it, this shop doesn’t cater to the general population that putts around on 90-150cc bikes.

    However on my way home tonight/this morning, I took a quick look through their window and didn’t see any 250 Ninja’s, however they had at least 5 KSRs in the showroom, if they sell these then I’m almost certain they have what the OP is looking for as well.

  6. The weird thing is that although road deaths during Songkran attract lots of comment, the rate of deaths during this week is scarcely different from what goes on during the other 51 weeks of the year.

    That’s a very good point. There was an article in The Nation 2 days ago, stating that there are up to 26,000 road deaths a year in Thailand.

    If that number is anywhere near accurate, then this year’s Songkran holiday should be considered a success, or maybe at least an improvement to the rest of the year.

  7. Question:

    If one already has a 5 year motorbike license, do they still have to do all the computer tests and everything else if applying for their first 1 year car license??

    I would presume everything is the same except for the driving around a course part, but wouldn't be surprised if one has to watch all the videos and do all the multiple choice tests again. rolleyes.gif

    Anyone know what they usually do in such a situation?

    Yes you assume correctly, you will have to go through the same process as you did getting your initial motorcycle license.

    However there are shortcuts. If you’re already in possession of a car license from another country, where it’s clearly stated in English that you’re licensed to drive a car. You can get the Thai license with just the required paperwork and copies of that license. If your car license isn’t in English, you can still do this, but it would require you to be in possession of a valid IDP.

  8. well thats a pain only need for two days so looks like its going to be a overstay fine then but cant be helped ????

    Have you done your 7 day extension yet?

    If not, bring your ticket to immigration when you go to do the extension, they have been known to give up to 10 days in some cases.

    Just ask politely, show your ticket and have a signed copy handy for them, then you might get the 9 days that you need.

  9. Hood = bonnet Trunk = boot Blowout = big burst and sudden loss of air Puncture = gradual leak of air

    Yep, got that backwards, not sure what a "sepcetic" is though? Both bonnet and boot are gay names though for any car.. And agree on the blow out description as well versus puncture..

    Sorry offtopic.gif But since you asked, here’s the definition for Septic, guess Big Guns keyboard just got an extra ‘ce’ in there.

    Feeling the need to attempt an explanation is typical British pretentiousness and patronizing. I didn't ask about "septic" I know well what that refers to in proper terms but it doesn't refer to a nationality by definition and it wasn't spelled correctly so especially silly to attempt to make a demeaning and slur and unnecessary flame and then be stupid enough to botch up the spelling innit? JFYI I didn't ask what "septic" meant in case you're to slow to have figured that out by now....

    Dude! Guess someone woke up on the wrong side this morning.

    Big Guns wrote ‘sepctics’ in his post, you asked what it meant, well basically, as you added to the misspelling and wrote ‘sepcetic’.

    So JFYI it wasn’t me that wrote the slur, just giving you an explanation since you publicly asked for it.

    However by the looks of it, you’re probably to slow to figure that one out, hence the explanation.

    • Like 1
  10. Hood = bonnet Trunk = boot Blowout = big burst and sudden loss of air Puncture = gradual leak of air

    Yep, got that backwards, not sure what a "sepcetic" is though? Both bonnet and boot are gay names though for any car.. And agree on the blow out description as well versus puncture..

    Sorry offtopic.gif But since you asked, here’s the definition for Septic, guess Big Guns keyboard just got an extra ‘ce’ in there.

  11. What is the traffic situation like in downtown today? Thinking about going to Central for dinner (by car) but I hear rumors that all downtown is a parking lot?

    Forget about it!

    Had these posts in mind when we decided it was time to get out of the house for dinner and a movie at central.

    Granted the holidays are now over but still what a pleasant surprise, left around 7pm and it took less than 15 minutes from East side Jomtien to Central.

    Almost no traffic on Sukhumvit and Pattaya Tai while Second road traffic was like any ordinary day during the low season.

    Very light traffic on the trip home too. Did a stop at Foodland to pick up some groceries and that place was more packed than I’m used to see it that late in the evening.

    Wonder if it’s just the cool rainy weather, or are there actually fewer Songkran revelers here this year.

    Either way, now set to be cooped up at home for the final two days.

  12. if you want to get 5 years, you need to wait 1 day after the expiry, but 1 year, before the expiry.

    As crazy as it sounds, thats how it is

    I have a 1 year Thai driver's license now. So are you saying that in order to get my 5 year license, I should go the license place at least 1 day after it expires so that I can get a 5 year license? I was told by a guy in the license place to come, up to 60 days, before it expires to get a 5 year license.

    Cigar7, you have the correct information. You can renew a 1 year temporary license into a 5 year license 60 days early and up to 1 year late of expiry.

    What Lemoncake is referring to is how it used to be. Not sure exactly when they changed the rules, but I’d say it’s about 2-3 years ago.

    • Like 1
  13. Seen once in the Made in Thailand market on second road.

    Socks 30 baht a pair - 3 for 100 Baht.

    I’m sure you’ve seen this at more places than just there. Wherever I go shopping it’s usually cheaper to buy a single item than bulk.

    Just look at the pricing structure at Tesco/Lotus where you can buy some groceries in bulk, it’s pretty much always ends up being more expensive, than buying the single item.

  14. It's supposed to be the electricity ---- bur maybe that affects the water supply also !!!!

    That’s a bit of a long shot, wouldn’t you say? Not sure how much you’ve paid attention to any possible power cuts, but we’re not supposed to be affected until we’re way into the first week of April.

    However we’ve had problems with the water supply in our Moo Ban for the last 4-5 days already, and it’s doesn’t look like a temporary problem.

    Additionally I’ve heard that it’s quite difficult to even get a water truck delivery these days. It’s a pain in the arse to be out of water, but looking on the bright side, this year we actually might see a dry songkran.

  15. There really was no need for her to do that, if (as stated) she was physically attacked by him every day then she should have left him,

    this is what women would do in those situations and there would have been no need for her to knife him.

    laugh.png ,

    You obviously know nothing about Thai lady loyalty rolleyes.gif . My wife had years of being whacked with a Leo bottle and the BiB would do nothing to stop his behaviour. coffee1.gif

    The lady in question obviously came to a point and cracked, good for her. clap2.gif

    Your reply is indicative of the fact that your mental ability is representative of poor social qualities, otherwise you would not support the woman's action to knife her husband, moreover, had the woman been loyal to her husband there would have been no knife attack from her.

    In any event, given the circumstances as outlined in the report, she should really have ended the relationship some time ago by walking away from him in a lady-like manner, and not act in such an abusive manner.

    You so stupid, a great song by ZZ top. thumbsup.gif , But you still don't understand what lady folk deal with EVERY day in LOS and the hurdles LADIES FACE to overcome xxxx. This is NOT farangland. GET IT, this is NOT farangland. coffee1.gif

    If you’re going to reference ZZ Top, please do it right, “Me So Stupid” is the title. whistling.gif

  16. At an intersection that has no road signs or traffic lights, who has the right-of-way?

    One of the roads would be classed as the "major" road and theoretically from either direction a vehicle in the "minor" road should give way. It is not always easy to know which is a "major" or "minor" road. In other situations giving way to the right is the rule. None of this is made aware to drivers however and thus the suggestion is to play it safe and look left then right etc.

    That’s correct, except looks like you're mixing up right and left. If there is no designated “major” road, the driver should give right of way to a vehicle coming from the left.

  17. Yesterday I bought 2 Kg of Anchor NZ cheddar in Makro 790 bt inc tax

    2 Kg of Aro cheddar in Makro 700 bt + tax

    Did you see any Gouda there?

    Was shopping at Makro yesterday and checked the prices on Gouda.

    Thai made Gouda, about 3 kg blocks, sold at 350 Baht/kg

    Imported Dutch Gouda, about 4 kg wheels, sold at 430 Baht/kg

    Would be surprised if you find it cheaper anywhere else.

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