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Posts posted by MTH

  1. I initially recommended Euro Optics for a prescription, with another viable option in Sriracha, that I've personally used. I've to say that you're definitely off the cuff stating that they only sale children frames, besides since you're not interested in frames, what do you even know/care about this?

    Additionally, it would be quite interesting to hear what jintig has against this shop, as he's already pissed on it twice.

  2. ok...pretty much three months later I dared to take the advise of a fellow board member that came in by PM.

    I went to Big C Extra and at the haircutter upstairs is a young man by the name of Boy who did a pretty good job I must say. Was 300 Baht plus tip and I had plenty of confirmations that I am very handsome now when walking down Soi 7 shortly after.

    Wow, the most I've ever paid for a haircut here it 200 and I really thought it was a rip off, no not my hair, that was expected.

    Think I've used the same barber at soi buakhow for the last 10+ years, their current rate is 70 for a cut, if you don't' what the sheers, they will use scissors, still same price.

  3. Got a prescription from Phyathai hospital in Sriracha, when I did a full eye exam there. Assume you could just get a prescription without the full exam.

    Additionally Euro optics, across from Royal Garden on second road does a thorough job, not sure what she would charge if you just went for the prescription, without buying your glasses there, but could be worth asking.

  4. Seriously????? Another driving licence thread crazy.gif

    Hmm,if I had read many licence threads before,I would not care to read this one as well.. Since I have not,I found it informative,thanks!

    The thing about forums is that although many subjects appear to get done to death, there are always those who need up to date information and who welcome a rehash of an old subject. My licences run out in 2015 and I certainly don't want to have to search through 5 year old threads for out of date information when the time comes. OP, well done and keep up the good work.

    I agree totally! My fiver expires next month. A few Q,s please

    I got my first fiver in bkk, but now have a condo in ptya. Can I renew in ptya or have to go back to bkk office?

    Where do you do the renewal in ptya?

    Where do you get a residence certificate in ptya, and what do you need to take to do so?

    Thanks in advance for any responses,

    Yes, you can renew in Pattaya.

    You renew at the LTO, map is linked in this post.

    Residence certificate, at immigration, Jomtien soi 5, see post #61 above for requirements.

  5. For all of you who are interested in the sms conversation, here it is:

    Saturday, January 4:

    U had sex with Me when I was sleeping???

    ;(;(I'm just going room; (;(forgive me; (;(I did it because I love you; (I feel sorry for you;(so much; (;(love; (;(

    No that is not ok! Don't talk with me anymore!!;

    (;(;(;(;(I am sorry

    No!!! Go to hell

    Then the musician called twice without Kristin replied. The day after she received an sms:

    Sunday, January 5:

    Dear x and x. ..I am very sorry with this storry ...The past I had the feel goods with your ...I knew I did't good to do ...I promise I do not to do it, forgive me, ...Because I have so much mother and she sick shes 80 year olds, and I have 2 daurter them wait for me for some money from me for eat, live, a doctor.In the musts works to take care them ... last night did not work and I was police station all night, I can't go anywhere, can't speep, Im worry, not free, please tell the police You are, forgive me


  6. I will not "speculate" any more on things here after reading the poor farang guy who was charged and sentenced to prison and spent 14 months there only to find out that the charges were false.

    I mean none of us really know any more. Could have been someone else who happened to have access to the guys mobile that raped her and texted her from "his" phone later.

    If this turns out to be real then sure I hope he gets what is coming to him but until then..............

    Wow Gone, you state you're not going to speculate, what about your second paragraph?

    If anything, that looks like pure speculation to me...

  7. Ok a few questions. 1)Are all of the sections the same price 60 b for wood and 100 b for lounge chair?2) do they mostly all get the food from same place?3) I noticed today for the first time a group of nice looking Russian men brought in bags of beer, water, food etc. is that permicable? Can we bring our own drinks etc and only pay for chair?Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

    1) The deck chair pricing is supposedly regulated, it used to be 30 baht. Don't go very often and I always ask the price before sitting down, last time they wanted 40. I agreed and assumed the price might have gone up as the guy wasn't up for negotiating, and I wasn't in the mood to wander around to possibly save 10B. I don't know the correct pricing for lounge chairs.

    2) They get their food from whatever restaurant is close to them.

    3) Yes, you can bring your own drinks and food.

    • Like 1
  8. I propose that this thread / topic would work better if the last post was the first one you read.

    The reason for this is that you have to scroll though too much out of date events to get to the relevant part, resulting in people stop posting. Could anything be done here as this topic is important and could be so much more. But at the moment in its current state it should be unpinned for it remains unusable. I do not want to read about a load of events I have missed only to find when I get to the bottom of the page no one has bothered adding any more relevant information.

    You can easily get to the last post of a topic by clicking the date and time under the name of the last poster, this is at the rightmost part of the topic pane, see attached pic.

    Then you can scroll up to see if there are any more relevant events that might interest you.


  9. "Medical Certificate"

    do you need to get it by yourself or is it done there? how much does that cost? where to get it? what's being checked exactly?

    See post #47.

    It'll be one of the easiest exams you've had, doc will probably check your blood pressure and talk to you for a few minutes.


    Do you know if it has to be done within any period of time prior to getting the driving licence?

    Yes, it can't be more than 30 days old.

    • Like 1
  10. I no longer have a valid drivers license in the USA, expired years ago but I still have the expired Hawaii license, and also a valid drivers license in the Philippines. What do I need to do to get a drivers license for cars and motorbike in Thailand? I have a retirement visa good for a year. Living in Pattaya. Thanks to all.

    You don’t have to do the tests if you have a valid license from your home country, not sure how they would react to your current license from the Philippines. It wouldn’t hurt to bring that along with copies of it, to see if they accept it. If not you’d have to take the practical and written tests here.

    Here’s a list of the required paperwork:

    Copy of main Passport page

    Copy of visa or visa extension stamp and TM card.

    Medical Certificate

    Residence certificate, (yellow book or work permit)

    One copy or original per license.

    "Medical Certificate"

    do you need to get it by yourself or is it done there? how much does that cost? where to get it? what's being checked exactly?

    See post #47.

    It'll be one of the easiest exams you've had, doc will probably check your blood pressure and talk to you for a few minutes.

  11. I no longer have a valid drivers license in the USA, expired years ago but I still have the expired Hawaii license, and also a valid drivers license in the Philippines. What do I need to do to get a drivers license for cars and motorbike in Thailand? I have a retirement visa good for a year. Living in Pattaya. Thanks to all.

    You don’t have to do the tests if you have a valid license from your home country, not sure how they would react to your current license from the Philippines. It wouldn’t hurt to bring that along with copies of it, to see if they accept it. If not you’d have to take the practical and written tests here.

    Here’s a list of the required paperwork:

    Copy of main Passport page

    Copy of visa or visa extension stamp and TM card.

    Medical Certificate

    Residence certificate, (yellow book or work permit)

    One copy or original per license.

  12. mateleo You should be able to use your new driving license you got yesterday to get the local price right?

    I don't think so. The admission price is not based on whether you have a Thai driving licence. It is based on whether you are a Thai or a foreigner.

    The 5-6 times I've been there I've always gotten the Thai price when showing my DL.

    However it's been over a year, maybe even two since the last visit, so they could have changed their policy since.

  13. Heat is probably the greatest single reason for phone/tablet failures. Do everything you reasonably can to allow cooling and prevent overheating. Keep it out of the sun and not in a pocket against your body or grasped in a sweaty hand. Best to not use the trendy silcon covers too. Wifi makes them hotter than 3G -so if you don't actually use wifi - turn it off and disable it's automatic ON function. By turning off apps you're not using much you can reduce the processors workload too.

    I'm surprised you feel that 3G would make your phone hotter than WiFi, for me it's the opposite.

    And if you would look into it, a 3G radio actually uses much more power than WiFi. In addition most phones today utilize Power Save Mode to lower the energy usage even more for Wifi. So transferring data over WiFi will use less power than over 3G.

    Good advice to turn off WiFi when not using it, as scanning for and connection to an Access Point is where WiFi will draw a lot of power.

    Maybe you misread what I wrote wink.png BTW - Heat is not directly associated with power consumption, probably more related to CPU cycles.

    FWIW -- If I am not expecting calls and don't need internet for a while I put the whole device offline -- that's off WIFI *and* off the mobile network. There's a lot of energy used in chasing a network signal when you are travelling. Not a huge problem as any missed calls will be notified when it goes back on the network.

    Don't think I misread your post wink.png

    Wifi makes them hotter than 3G -

    This was the statement that had me surprised, as to me I’ve experienced the opposite, so unless you have an older phone where the WiFi radio doesn’t have PSM, this doesn’t make sense to me.

    BTW generated heat is directly proportional to power consumption, and there should be no significant difference in CPU intensity using WiFi or 3G at similar loads.

  14. Heat is probably the greatest single reason for phone/tablet failures. Do everything you reasonably can to allow cooling and prevent overheating. Keep it out of the sun and not in a pocket against your body or grasped in a sweaty hand. Best to not use the trendy silcon covers too. Wifi makes them hotter than 3G -so if you don't actually use wifi - turn it off and disable it's automatic ON function. By turning off apps you're not using much you can reduce the processors workload too.

    I'm surprised you feel that 3G would make your phone hotter than WiFi, for me it's the opposite.

    And if you would look into it, a 3G radio actually uses much more power than WiFi. In addition most phones today utilize Power Save Mode to lower the energy usage even more for Wifi. So transferring data over WiFi will use less power than over 3G.

    Good advice to turn off WiFi when not using it, as scanning for and connection to an Access Point is where WiFi will draw a lot of power.

  15. Went to the licencing centre after obtaining from immigration a residency confirmation letter and a letter from a random clinic confirming I was sane.

    After completing the relevant driving reaction tests, I obtained a 5 year licence.

    Cost was 550 baht for the licence, 200 baht for immigration letter and 100 baht for the letter of sanity.

    May I ask what is required to get THIS and where I would get it?

    Staying in Jomtien for 6 months, would like to have a local license for the inevitable times I will be pulled over on my rented 'cycle.... or is 6 months not considered 'residency'? BTW I have a type 'O' Visa valid for 12 months. Thanks!

    Take a look at this tread on how to acquire a residence certificate in Pattaya.

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