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Posts posted by MTH

  1. Preecha is a great place when it comes to the food and they do have a sea view, but the ambience is definitely lacking. Not that I wish theyd change the place, love to go there for their excellent cheap seafood.

    At Rimpa lapim the view and ambiance is outstanding, but the food quality can vary quite a bit and they are a bit upscale on the pricing.

    Pu Phen is one of my favorites in town, go there quite often and whether theres construction or not dont bother me too much, as Jomtien beach road divides the covered restaurant from the seaside tables anyway. Went there last week and had one of the best meals so far, kept talking on the way home if they have a new chef or not.

    Not sure what UncleJ is about. As many Thai restaurants here, they might hand you a menu with pictures on it, however Ive never noticed any dual pricing there.

    As for Cabbage & Condoms, this is a place where I often take visitors for a meal. Everyone just love the settings and the stroll through the gardens. The food is a bit overpriced and the falang food is not something Id recommend, however if you ask for the Thai dishes to served spicy it will usually be very good. Went last week and had Satay Gai, Yam Talay, Massaman Gai and Homok Talay, everything but the Homok, that was a bit watery, was just excellent.

    I didn't realize Pupen Seafood had the farang pricing until my Thai friend noticed the bill didn't match the menu she had read.

    The waitress fixed the bill.... So yes, they hand farangs the scam menu here.

    Interesting, thanks for explaining the circumstances. I’ll definitely check the two menus and the bill next time to see if there are any discrepancies.

  2. Not sure what your reasons are for wanting a Cambodian visa in your passport and not questioning them without knowing.

    However just to let you know, I used to do border runs for quite a few years. Crossed the border into to Cambodia at 5 different places and the most I’ve ever paid for the visa has been 1000 Baht, and the least has been $20. A $20 visa is quite easily acquired at Poi Pet, but more difficult at the smaller border crossings.

  3. Preecha is a great place when it comes to the food and they do have a sea view, but the ambience is definitely lacking. Not that I wish they’d change the place, love to go there for their excellent cheap seafood.

    At Rimpa lapim the view and ambiance is outstanding, but the food quality can vary quite a bit and they are a bit upscale on the pricing.

    Pu Phen is one of my favorites in town, go there quite often and whether there’s construction or not don’t bother me too much, as Jomtien beach road divides the covered restaurant from the seaside tables anyway. Went there last week and had one of the best meals so far, kept talking on the way home if they have a new chef or not.
    Not sure what UncleJ is about. As many Thai restaurants here, they might hand you a menu with pictures on it, however I’ve never noticed any dual pricing there.

    As for Cabbage & Condoms, this is a place where I often take visitors for a meal. Everyone just love the settings and the stroll through the gardens. The food is a bit overpriced and the falang food is not something I’d recommend, however if you ask for the Thai dishes to served spicy it will usually be very good. Went last week and had Satay Gai, Yam Talay, Massaman Gai and Homok Talay, everything but the Homok, that was a bit watery, was just excellent.

  4. Well done OP!

    This is the second time that I've given you advice without a thanks. If you don't know how to show some appreciation, then don't expect any more advice, well at least not from me.

    If you read the OP he said thanks in advance. You need a pat on the back also?

    But of course, isn't that obvious?

  5. OP, my ISP has been TOT for the last 6 years +, and I don't really have any complaints.

    Currently paying about 550 Baht plus tax for 10Mb down and 512 kb up.

    That's great! So how did you get this plan exactly? I had a look at the TOT website but couldn't find much content in English. I guess I'll have to call them?

    Also what where the installation fees? I've heard it's something like 4000 baht to open a line?

    I went to their office on 3rd and Klang, signed up for a one year contract, there were no installation fees. However there was a long wait to get a phone line back then, luckily a friend of mine had an extra line that I could take over. TOT did the line installation for free to the junction box outside of my house, any additional cabling I had to do myself, or pay for. I've heard that you now can get a dedicated ADSL line without a phone number attached to it.

    At the time I signed up the download speeds were less and the price was higher, but that has gradually changed to the better.

  6. So are these just unconfirmed rumors or is there actually someone that has seen an oil spill, or the aftermath of one?
    Granted it's a few days since I was out there, but on the 5th (i.e. last week), the water out there were as pristine as it gets.

  7. Here is a Google maps link to the entrance of Bira Circuit.

    If you’re familiar with the back roads of the dark side, then take Soi Siam Country Club Road to the Plantation Golf Course, Bira is located just next to it.

    If not, take Sukhumvit north to 36, take that east towards Rayong, make a u-turn at 331 and track back to the entrance of Bira.

  8. The sunsets, views and atmosphere at Cabbages and Condoms are quite pleasant. Romantic?... I guess that depends on who you are with.

    C and C:


    That's actually the Bangkok Suk soi 12 location, nice little oasis in the town.

    If you want to check out C&C Pattaya , there are some pics on their homepage.

  9. The former Carefour centre has been revamped over the past few months and now resembles a huge Western style superstore, with fresh and imported foodstuffs from around the world.

    Correction :

    The former Carefour centre resembled a huge Western style superstore, with fresh and imported foodstuffs from around the world, but has been revamped ever since .

    Well put, I have to agree with that assessment.

    Shopped there quite often back when it was Carrefour. However since Big C took over, I'm there maybe once a month.

  10. Anyone know what is considered a script from a Doctor and if you have one, where you can get things filled such as sleeping pills and high level(meaning they relieve pain) pain medicines? Also there is a lack of availability of certain blood pressure medications at the various pharmacies who will in many cases reccomend another they have in stock which as informed people know may not be the best choice etc..

    Had a doc write a prescription, easy enough to get it filled at Fascino.

  11. everywhere,entry level phones are cheap as dirt. go to 7-11, pay 159 thb and grab one.

    grab a simcard from AIS or DTAC top up 500 THB and you are good for a year.

    Cant say Ive seen phones at 7-11, granted I havent been looking for them there either.

    As for top up, 500 Baht with either AIS or DTAC will only give you 50 days validity, not one year.

  12. I'm just about to renew my first 5 year DL.

    Do I need to do this before the current one runs out or after it has expired (like when replacing the 1 year for a 5 year)?

    I'm assuming I need address and medical certificates - anything else?

    You don't need to wait until your 5 year license expire. However if you do wait for it to expire, you will get almost 6 years validity instead of 5 years at renewal.

    As a side note, since you mentioned it. You do not need to wait until the 1 year license expires before applying for the 5 year one. This is how it used to be, however the regulations changed a few years back, you can now apply for the 5 year license within 60 days of the 1 year license expiry date.

  13. It's not the 20 Baht baht I'm concerned about it's the time. I don't foresee using the phone except in emergencies and am just looking for the longest validity period without constantly topping up with unneeded credit.

    In that case I'd recommend the True Move Inter sim, any top up will extend the expiry by 1 year.

    This is what I have for my spare phone, additionally it's great for international calls. The 00600 prefix will get you rates starting at 1 Baht/min.

  14. MTH, I'm not sure how well you understand English but your post said you can "apply" 60 days before your 1 year expires.

    Wow Gone, I will not dignify that with an answer.

    What do you mean by "apply" ? Do you mean you can "get" a 5 years 60 days before your 1 year expires?

    Isn't it blatantly obvious we're talking about transitioning from a one year license to a five year license.

    According to current regulations, you can apply for the five year license 60 days early and up to one year late if holding a one year license.

    If the license in question is expired by more than one year, you have to retake the written test, if expired by more than three years, you will also have to retake the driving test.

    I just don't know why anyone would not wait the extra 60 days?

    For instance, convenience or maybe a long term visa about to expire.

    On the other hand, could you give me one reason why you should wait the extra 60 days?

    (There is an obvious answer, just checking to see if you know it, and a hint is to look at Kaoboi Bebobp' post)

  15. is there a way to go for this 5 year drivers license before the one year gets expired?

    No, you need to have had the one year for one year first.

    You can apply for the 5 year license 60 days before the 1 year license expire.

    Quite a few years ago you had to wait until the 1 year license had expired, however this has since changed.

    A 5-year DL is not something you just "apply" for. When your 1-year-DL is about to expire and you go in to have it renewed, you will then be ready for the 5 year DL. They might want you to do all the tests etc or they might not.

    Are you kidding me? Did I say so??? Read the tread before you jump in. It's clear from the OP that he has his one year license already.

    Or are you just trying to twist words?

  16. The one year DL is a temporary DL.

    You need to have the full five year one to get an IDP (International Driving Permit)

    is there a way to go for this 5 year drivers license before the one year gets expired?

    No, you need to have had the one year for one year first.

    You can apply for the 5 year license 60 days before the 1 year license expire.

    Quite a few years ago you had to wait until the 1 year license had expired, however this has since changed.

  17. Best Steak I have had in Pattaya was at the Mantra. Spotted the ribeye in the chiller display as we were led to our table. It was a good 1.5 inch thick and nicely marbled. Cooked just right - med / rare.

    The Mantra is the best I have had but if you want a reasonaby good steak a lot cheaper then Beefeater is probably your best bet.

    Where is Mantra located?


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  18. I plan to get my first 5 year Driver's license in January 2014. I currently have a 1 year temporary Thai driver's license which expires in February 2014 and a retirement visa with an extension of stay to April 2014. Will I qualify for the 5 year license or will I only get another 1 year license? What is the earliest that I can get my new license? My birthday is in April.

    Yes, you do qualify for the 5 year license. Requirement is that you're on a long term permission to stay in Thailand at the time of application.

    As for early application, you can apply up to 60 days in advance when renewing a 1 to 5 year license, (and as rmicheald mentions above, 90 days when renewing a 5 to 5 year license).

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