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Posts posted by aussiejosh

  1. Cheers Aussiejosh always good to get a point of view of someone who studied in LOS ....... did you manage to get a decent job in LOS through your education there or was it back down under?

    I am currently enrolled in University in Australia but took a break as I saw a business opportunity I could peruse in Asia, and convinced a company which specialized in that product to give me a chance. I am currently working in Vietnam/Thailand/Australia, so kind of both?

    From my experience at Pattana, you decide what you want to do and the staff there will put you in all the right directions to acheive it. My year we had kids go off to Oxford, Cambridge, Standford, London School of Economics, our first student just entered Harvard law this year (according to Facebook). I mean they can't do everything for you, but they do a lot. It felt like an unfair advantage compared to other students.. but thats where my 350,000 baht per semester went aye.

  2. I have friends who work at wall street here in Silom, they seem pretty good. I haven't had much experience with them other than when I was helping them find a contractor for air conditioners but I gave that up a while ago. He still works there, apparently its good.

  3. Lol i bet i know the white guy behind that wheel. If it is who I think it is then he has some youtube videos up on him driving between bangkok and Pattaya on super bikes. He did race for BMW but got dropped from the team after a series of incidents. He always drives like that, but he has done the same to me the little shit, he lives in Pattaya and Bangkok and street races regularly here.

  4. Ok. I'd like to throw my hat in about High-so Thai crowd... I went to Bangkok Patana School and there are so many high so kids in there, every Thai student had an uncle father grandfather who was someone and could easily have you 'killed' it seemed. The ones who are usually actually in these positions tended to talk about it less than those who might have at one stage had some power but now do not. I had the grandson of ex primeminister Wongchiowit(60s I think)? A bunch of other claims at the time I just ignored and huge out with mainly British and Dutch students... But I have heard and seen very strange things with the people going out...

    I remember I was once out with these high so kids and some other guys in our year group celebrating our graduation and we were at a bar called TiPs in RCA, one of the bouncers accussed one of these thai high so kids of stealing a bottle which he being who he was went off the deep end and started abusing the staff with a bunch of "do you know who i am?"'s... They didn't and threw him out. The club was closed the next day... Now there is a random Thai club there after 5or6 months of emptiness... I also heard the bouncer was killed but that was just a rumor I heard through the grape vine.

    I have another friend here, he is 18, this year he has crashed a fairlady 350z, a done up to the tits supra (Really well done up), his dads discovery and he is getting an Evo 10 next month to replace his new caymen his dad bought him... As to what a previous poster was saying about them being fake, I feel this is true in this sense with this kid. He crashes cars all the time, seems to be friends, gambles stupid amounts of money on obvious losing bets... but I know in the end, well I feel just from looking at hime and hanging out with him he is never real with any of us, I feel like he thinks we are below him (which yes he probably does) and I feel when I am around him this is a person I could borrow millions of baht off without him thinking twice, but the second I can't pay him back I know he would have no hesitation killing me. Someone who doesn't care about his money, but cares more about his money than he does others. Scary dude.

    There as a kid Champ my friends hung out with, every time i went with them we would be in route without ID checks, without paying a cent and in the VIP section with bottles of wiskey... inexplicably too as I didn't know why my dutch friends were going with this random guy at first. I met his body guard and ended up finding out his father was some financial adviser that Thaksin had used at some point(obviously didn't get screwed by him). I didn't feel comfortable hanging out with them however and only did it on a few occasions. I could never understand why this high so guy was paying for everything and I had never even really had a chance to talk to him.. Made me terribly uncomfortable.

    I have a lot of stories from hanging out with these guys, like if you have ever wanted to know what it is like to buy an expensive car with the purpose of having fun no matter the expense to others and safety than these guys are the people you want to seek out. Unfortunately though they keep to themselves after high school so its kind of hard to meet them when they are adults.

    On the other hand there are complete opposites of this story... I joined a local paintball team here recently and met really really nice guys, but due to the cost of the sport they are naturally high so. I joined a team here and started getting more involved in a kind of family environment i guess you'd call it. I was invited to prayers before games, and given lifts to and from home. When I am sick I get phone calls from all of them asking how I am and if they can help at all its really great.

    About 2 months ago I was invited to the funeral of one of my team mates grand mother... This is my first actual in depth experience in a large crowd of Thai high-so. There were 4 motorcades there, and HRH the crown princess attended and had words with the family. I couldn't believe I was sitting less than 5 feet away from her and listening to her speak to my friends family. It was an awesome and insightful experience (if you can call a funeral that).

    Although I have to admit I made a big no no, when I Went up to pay my respects to his grandmother I accidentally walked on the red carpet without noticing, my friend quickly corrected me.

    It's really a mixed bag like with any demographic, in the end they are just people. If you can make them interested in you perhaps they will pay attention to you, but why bother? You will experience things they won't even imagine, just as they will do the same.

  5. Check out Bangkok Patana school. I completed high school there, and one thing that always annoyed me was the abundance of Thai students... around 40-50%... We don't want too many slowing down your kids now aye. When I say that I mean it, the amount of wealthy Thais that came in for high school only was retarded. Especially seeing as their English Second language program for our year group was already full of international students.

  6. If I was offered a job paying $3,000/day which required residing in Bkk, I'd turn it down.

    I have lived in BKK for several years and have no problems...sensitive much?

    yes, I am sensitive - physically and in other ways. Physically, I feel adverse affects from pollution and loud sounds. I have often thought that, if the human species were to split again, as it did between Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens, the split would have to do with those who've adapted to big cities and those who didn't. Those who did, would have to have specialized lungs for surviving on foul air - not unlike the Ginko tree which, because it survived through volcanic epochs, has toughened up to bad air, and is widely planted in inner cities.

    I'm also sensitive to pollen, dust, MSG, and sprayed chemicals in foods - which is an endemic problem with nearly all foods in Thailand. Even items marked 'organic' are often not. Similarly, many restaurants which claim to not use MSG actually do, whether wittingly or not (all their dozens of bottles by the stove have MSG).

    I'll be the 1st to admit that being sensitive to chemicals and loud noises is a stone drag, especially for someone who chooses to reside in Thailand, where environmental considerations are nearly nil. However, I trudge though and try to make the best of it, tissues and all. Not surprisingly, I reside in the countryside, which is comparatively better - but there's sure a lot of pollen.

    You should live in a bubble sir, perhaps we could split between bubble people, and people. :)? no? :D

  7. I have heard from friends about seeing guns being pulled and luckily I have never been there to see it. But a friend of mine told me he saw someone pull one out and start threatening someone on Param 4... I wasn't there and don't know the details, but I wonder how many guns are there floating around here?

  8. Last week I needed some minor surgery... I went to bumrumgrad, 53,XXX.- Samitijev 58,XXX.- and Bangkok General (where the doctor i felt was far better and actually wanted to find out what was wrong with me) 23,XXX.- Although it was all covered with my insurance anyway I didn't like the treatment I was receiving from the first 2 who just wanted to poke around inside me and not do any diagnosis first. Definitely my first choice of hospital from now on.

  9. I was finishing my Thai lesson are Time Square the other day and I had 2 (what i determined to be klatoeys) follow me trying to get me attention, and were very pushy until I turned around and just looked at them (I practice my scary face often :)), I was a little worried as they had been following me for a while and I had walked away from busier area but once I turned around and had a good look at them they decided I wasn't worth whatever they were after. But still not a nice experience when just heading home in the evening.

  10. No... I have had my heart stop, I have had heart attacks at 16/17... and experienced death. Nothing happens, its a blank void of nothingness... I didn't even really realize what was happening i was so confused and panicked at the time i just remember the clocks in the hospital emergency room and all the doctors working on me franticly.

    Also I was a catholic, and went to a Catholic school. Thought about religion and realized how stupid it was, then spent a year doing Christian theology and history to find basicaly all christianity is a hybrid of 10,000 years of other religions so that ended up being retarded as well.

    Also I find only old and really dumb people fall into the religious category... and I am neither dumb or old. As for you religious people out there, i understand your afraid and need excuses as to why your pathetic.. wake up, respect you will one day cease to exist and grow up a little :)

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