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About Acharn

  • Birthday 08/25/1937

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    Nakhon Sawan

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    Nakhorn Sawan

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  1. Errr... the children in Thailand seem to be able to cross the roads safely. If you don't have the trick of it, Thailand is probably not a good place for you to be.
  2. This is absurd. It seems to have been adopted from Parsi "fereng" around 1500, and specifically refers to people of European extraction. Since the Vietnam War, most Thais also apply it to American blacks. It's not derogatory at all. You must be paranoid to think it is.
  3. Because you didn't catch measles, because most of the kids around you were vaccinated.
  4. No, the military equipment is all junk too. There are six huge contractors who do 95% of DoD's work. At outrageous prices. Elon is on the wrong track. He'll never save any money firing govenrment employees. According to Dean Baker their salaries make up only 5% of government spending. He could save more by requiring the DoD fire all their consultants. All of them. And at least half their contractors. Make the government employees and soldiers to the work like they used to. Cut the Army back to the size it was in 1933. Fire 90% of the generals, 50% of the Colonels, and a third of the Majors. There's a lot the military could save, but they like their little taste.
  5. You don't know very much about Thailand, do you? Most tattoos in Thailand are for religious purposes or magic than to look good.
  6. Sorry, 26th Century. The years from 0 -100 count as the first century, the years fron 101-200 are the second, etc.
  7. If you live upcountry it takes about 5 minutes. At least here in Nakhon Sawan. When I go in it's usually empty, or has maybe one other customer waiting. I hand my passport to the lady, go to a seat, and before I've read three pages in my book I'm done.
  8. I imagine because their finances are like mine. They don't have any reserve for emergencies/accidents. No airline or shipping agency is going to transport his corpse for free. They need to find money somewhere to pay for it.
  9. I agree. It dates back to the 1976 counter-revolution. From the reports about people overstaying 1, 2, 5 years the police don't make use of it anyway. I'm sure some bright young bureaucrat got a promotion from suggesting it, but practice shows it doesn't have any value. I don't mind doing it too much, it keeps the Immigration office people familiar with my face, but it takes a couple of liters of gasohol to go and come back.
  10. No, Permanent Residency is far too expensive for me. I used to feel some regret that I didn't get Thai citizenship back in 1982, when I first returned to Thailand (retired from the Army), and it was easy and cheap.
  11. I use Asepso, it never gets soft.
  12. I send $2,400 every month to Bangkok Bank. I make the transfer in the morning and they credit my account at 2:00 PM. That's because I'm using "long term stay in Thailand" for my reason, and BKK bank only processes the transfers at 2:00 every weekday afternoon. When I send smaller amounts it's always a few seconds. I've never sent as much as $1,000 between beginnings of the month. I suggest he check his Wise account for messages/notifications. I suffered delays of two or three days when they changed their app to access my account and I had to re-register the account.
  13. When I used to hang out in the Thermae, most Americans I met claimed to have been Delta Force, LRRP (U.S. Marine Long Range Reconnaissance Patrol), Seal Team 6 or Special Forces. One guy even claimed to have served in the Phoenix Program, apparently thinking killing a lot of innocent people was a good thing. My good friend and I were the only two I knew who were normal; he was an avionics repairman in the Delta and I was a personnel sergeant in III Corps.
  14. Well, the average daily temperature is already 1.8° above pre-industrial average, so the Paris Accord is meaningless anyway. They aimed to prevent reaching 1.5° above pre-industrial average. We might as well leave. It was ineffective, anyway. I don't have any evidence, and I'm not a scientist, but I think we'll hit 3.0° above by 2030. Hot season in Thailand will be unlivable for humans. India will be worse. And winters will be colder.
  15. American airbase? Good Lord, that was 50 years ago, man.
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