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  1. E cigs , forbidden ... they are way too dangerous cigs , lets make them pay taxes , then they are ok cannabis , oh thats fine , lets just smoke it all ...
  2. Poorer countries not wanting retirees : regulations , many times the ruling class in those countries are extremely wealthy . You might be a millionaire , they are multi multi millionaires . Also , many times your so called poorer countries many times are in Asia , which in fact are all pretty closed anyway. If you look in Europe , i am sure that retiring in Spain , Portugal , Romania would be much easier and in many cases even cheaper . For Americans , plenty of S American countries are welcoming them , although with a bit of risk , so there a bit more has to be looked for ( but all is very depending on area ). Rich countries wanting the poor .... is a typical European disease . We want to be better and more human rights involved then anywhere else , thx to our history as a payback . Politicians and rules are made for actual good meaning people , but in fact they forget that people are not like that. We are like dogs, very opportunistic , so if you offer free money or a better future for easy , well people are going to use that .
  3. Hydrogen is nearly never a problem . You really need to have a sealed box to keep hydrogen somewhat in . Even the smallest vent will be enough to get trapped hydrogen out ( i work with hydrogen at low and high pressure compressing it to 200bar ) . Only make sure the vent it at the highest place , as hydrogen is soo light , it will move straight away to as high as possible. Yes lithium will burn through metal , but it will take some time . Better put that in a concrete box , as that is unflammable , and indeed a shed outside is much better then inside .
  4. True , once the temp gets too hot , the reaction will start and nothing will be able to stop it . So as protective measure , make sure you got all the electronics right and when selfbuild make sure you use a non flammable box . Also when possible, check on regular intervals the connections for heat/burn marks.
  5. Ok , that explains it . Yes then the units sound prob right . It also gives maybe some people some understanding back , as they might do the same but then get a much larger bill since they are running the airco 24/7 (or all night or anyway more hours then you).
  6. 40-80 units a month which powers shower (ok) , electric oven (ok) , aircon ??? The aircon for 40-80 units per month , i think is not possible , unless you do not turn it on .
  7. Been a while but i just had the idea ( well i just read also ) . Nr 1 the room is small , having a 9000btu airco is def overkill , and it does consume some power (count 750W/h , it will be off a lot but it does cost some money also , and brings some strain on your inverters ) .Better solution for me would be a "ice battery". Icemakers are not more expensive then aircos , they are in fact cheaper ( they are lower power also , and are basically plug and play). Put a ice cube maker somewhere else , let it run , and put the icecubes in the room in a semi-open insulated box . It will cool the room , and you get some free icecubes on daily basis , and on top , if you know after a while how many ice cubes you need , you can run the icecubemaker just for a few hours a day . Not for you maybe , but i think you can put a battery in a old refrigerator , 2nd hand ... they are cheap , only need to run on lowest setting (highest temp), have metal wall (burn) and keep your batteries at nice cool temp . I know there are selfbuilds around with compressors and evap just need to build the box yourself , but it might take some looking around . 2nd hand fridges are very easy to find
  8. IMHO it is a low number . Not been to Samui long time , but knowing the island was dead during covid , a rise of 66% vs 2022 where there were still measures along , is pretty low.
  9. Common knowledge , immigrants go for the easiest money , the closest to home . Now in case of Latin immigrants , Mexico is a good base , as it serves the same language and is a lot more hassle free then US . However money is more abundant in US , so it is still a choice between the 2 . For Asia it is a different matter . China is a dragon , it is huuuge , and some have tons of money . The dragon however does have some growing pains , which leads to very small feet to stand on . Evergrande just went into bankruptcy. It does drag some investors out much further then Asia , since many cash is directly or indirectly related to it. Thailand is a prime victim , since many investors are Chinese and family related and also , money in Thailand is also nicely flowing ( Thailand is after Singapore the biggest/best economy in SE Asia). This all relates to Thailand being vulnerable to China , and now its weakening performance.
  10. In my opinion depends on the crime committed . This has to be in a different trial , where a group of judges will see the facts and will act on the crime done .For example , a death by accident , can perfectly be normal young behavior but with unfortunate outcome. A murder can be also , depending on the context , like a adult murder is also trialed and also different outcomes can be there . Some things are clearly wrong at any age , in any circumstance , in this way , it is clear that it should be treated as adult .
  11. That is the type i got also , it lasts about 5 years before the bladder is broken or simply the pressure is gone . Now there is a replacement on which has got a valve so you can pressurize the bladder again ( if it is not broken).
  12. If the connectors are the same , and the pressure is the same , it will be ok . I would say even more , it is better . These tanks are for you to have a more constant pressure and also for the pump not switching constant on/off because slightest pressure difference. The bigger the tank , the more the pressure is "regulated" in your system . In case the pressure of the bladder in the tank is different , then it might be a problem , but not a very big one. It won't operate 100% as it is supposed to do with the normal pressure from the pump diagram. Since these tanks and housepumps are quite similar in end pressure (large difference in flow) i would expect no issues. Connectors being different , no issue , unless you cannot find the correct connectors to put the pump and bladder tank together. In short , a bigger tank is better...
  13. I still think if your country is in the DTA (double tax agreement) then you should be ok . How they gonna check on all of this is a different matter ( what kind of papers are needed and when?).
  14. I did visit Bangkok again in November after years . The smells still are bad , yes , many many smells ... Now , comes to the pot , or marihuana or similar , well that was very present also . Going out at night around Sukhumvit was basically horrendous for the smell of pot , along with all the other smells , which were always present during the years.
  15. Why no longer " Made in Europe" ?, because governments didn't/don't like it . All manufacturing had to leave and the few now which remain , are facing huge bills because of CO2 exhaust . They do not want them either . If they are Made in China , governments do not care at all .
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