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Everything posted by Mason45

  1. That's not exactly right. I spend my time between Bangkok and Pattaya as I have properties in both places. In 22 years I've never heard a person even raise their voice let alone use a weapon in our large estate on the eastern side of Bangkok. I have 24 years experience in Pattaya and for many years it was very good. In recent years the scumbags have hit Pattaya from up north and they never change their ways when they're confronted with a bit of civility. Even my condo in Naklua, the Brits and most of the Germans have moved out and the uncivilized from up north are slowly moving in. If you think I'm a racist try living with them.
  2. A man hunt has been ordered, by the time the BIB's got their act together the perpetrator was already back where this behavior is normal. He'll be back in Pattaya when he considers the dust has settled.
  3. I could've had a similar situation a few days ago. I was driving along North Road when this idiot came flying up behind me on a motor bike. I stopped for the red light and he nearly ran straight up my a**e. He yelled out, my wife told me he said why did I stop. He had a savage look on his his face, so I just said chok dee and moved on. I first moved to Pattaya 24 years ago, I only drive my car when I go go to Bangkok or shop at a super market. Normally my transport is baht buses and walking.
  4. The problem is they come from up north, hit Pattaya and are totally out of their league. They're supposed to be looking for work, instead get on lao khao and yabba and become raving morons. I've been up north many times as my wife comes from there. She's the first to admit how careful people have to be if you upset them. The areas around Koh Talo have become very dangerous places. When the areas were first developed it was a very nice part of Pattaya. How things have changed in 20 years.
  5. When I was a teenager the mandatory police action was a full bore boot up the ass. The pain was so great that we needed to eat our meals off the mantle piece for at least a fortnight. We learned the hard way and pulled our heads in or the next step was in the nick.
  6. " If it ever gets off the ground " Thais couldn't even organise a decent end of the year piss up with out hiccups.
  7. I do all the shopping for our home. Her indoors can't get away from the cosmetic section. The first major food increase I seen was pork. It was always around the 70-80 baht mark. So 6 months later chicken went up but no where near the ridiculous price hike for pork.
  8. I'm sitting on the fence in regards to the tax issue. I'll just wait and see if it really does come into play. I've a feeling it won't as how would the public servants and the system handle this as most are stressed out now.
  9. Maybe Thailand should consider banning YouTube, I see these idiots every day on my morning walk watching some Thai soapy while riding their motor bikes. When they walk they are so absorbed by the same type of programs that they walk straight into others. My wifes grand son was a really good student and well behaved. Once YouTube got hold of him he's now a total moron. I warned her. Just put it down to a lack of parental guidance of which Thais are famous for,
  10. I don't know the link as I've never completed a form but if you go to the home page of Asean Now you will see all the links pertaining to visas.
  11. The dirty herd should've all been arrested for being accomplices, taken back to the police station and given the mandatory roughing up. They would have all snitched on the perpetrator. It makes me wonder if the bib's are scared of these make believe Rambos.
  12. Firstly I'm not sure they will notify you because they're out to see if you're breaking immigration rules or not. Secondly you're supposed to notify them if you're leaving your province for more than 24 hours. They will leave a card but that's not much good if you're a few hundred kilometers away. I've always used an agent so maybe that makes me exempt from visits to my registered address for visa purposes.
  13. When I lived in Bangkok I made it a plan to go to Pattaya every 3 months. For my one year visa and 90 days reports. It worked out fine as my wife visited her 2 sisters and I used to get to meet my friends in certain bars. The only downside is what address would you declare as your permanent Pattaya residence. In my case I didn't have this problem as not only do I own my house in Bangkok but I also own my condo in Pattaya. Another thing what if the immigration cops pay your given address a visit.
  14. Its the law of the jungle, from buses and trucks to cars. From cars to motor cycles and from all the previous mentioned to pedestrians
  15. I have used DTAC one year unlimited wifi for several years now. I've never had a problem until recently. I renewed my annual subscription believing that I purchased one year unlimited. I paid 1,700 baht and my balance was zero after 3 weeks. As I'm fast approaching 80 yo's I don't go out much like I used to. So I watch a lot of movies, racehorse and greyhound racing on line. I could see problems happening when DTAC merged with True, so I want to change my wifi. What's the best for what I'm looking for
  16. I know exactly what you're talking about. My wife comes from a family of 10, 6 males and 4 females. All her brothers have very little and get bombed out on Lao Kaow every night. Their male friends do exactly the same. They live in the countryside out of Korat. I used to go there 3-4 times every year to suit her indoors. Now I refuse to go stating my age when driving. In reality the place gets to me. I'm only from ordinary class myself. I came from a working class area and worked on the docks all my working life. In saying that, even the scum bags in the area where I came from had far more class than the Isarn ferals. May I add, her brothers treat me well, maybe it's because I used to buy them several bottles of the high octane booze that they drink. Anyway 2 have seen the light in the past 6 months as they've gone to Buddha forever. They both have wives and 6 kids between them. I've flatly refused to supply them with any financial assistance.
  17. Let's be serious and not think like gullible Thais. Was this 10,000 baht hand out ever going to happen? I told my missus to believe it when you receive it.
  18. Where I walk early every morning I see many people who live in what you might describe as shanty towns. Some have much newer cars than I do and nearly all have paid TV. At evening they sit in a large group and drink heaps of booze. Some of those people you consider poor have no priorities. Many of their kids don't go to school because dad blows their meagre income on booze and fags.
  19. I have 2 properties in Bangkok and one property in Pattaya where I'm living at the moment. They're not expensive properties but I do value them. So the 2 Bangkok properties are vacant now and won't be rented to anyone unless a personal friend recommends the tenant to me. Even that can fail, so I'm thinking about selling in the future. I had a school teacher from the US and and English teacher from the same nearby school who rented my properties for 15 years with no rent being owed or property damage, One even painted my town house. Unfortunately for me they both decided to return to their countries and now I've got no intentions renting to Thai people especially Thais from up north. Her indoors being from Isarn herself told me the risk of letting a property to the people I mentioned is not worth the risk.
  20. In times of recession do floating markets sink?
  21. I gave up years ago on Thai paid TV. In recent years I've been using a VPN for my laptop which can be mirrored to my Smart TV. I can choose what I like from free channels anywhere World wide.
  22. Hi there, I live between my house in Bangkok and my condo in Pattaya. I will be returning to Bangkok soon for a few months, so can anyone tell me where's the nearest PEA office to Naklua Road. I wish to request an auto debit for the power account for my condo. Thanks.
  23. Anyone who trusts a Thai where there is power or money involved are just looking for trouble. It's my belief that the new party will again be dissolved either before the next election or even if the new party were to gain a 60% plus victory. The cronies would be sitting in their spacious mansions now making plans for the history to repeat itself.
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