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Everything posted by Mason45

  1. I purchased my condo 10 years ago, at first it was ideal but in recent times it has really gone down hill. I go for a 90 minutes walk every morning at 6.30 am. Once off Naklua Road heading towards the Wongamat area there's tour buses everywhere. They park opposite double lines and even park on red and white stripe kerbs. Traffic is forced to drive down the wrong side of the road. There's 40kmh restriction signs on the road that no one ever obeys. There's a large hotel around the corner from where I live in Naklua Road, the tour buses are taking on passengers around 8 am every morning, again where they park is no parking and the passengers block off the foot path forcing pedestrians to walk along a very busy road. Someone is going to be seriously injured one day as with the buses parked there pedestrians are forced to walk in the middle of Naklua Road with lunatic drivers and brain dead motor bike riders going like the powers of piss towards them. I must also admit the garbage that the bus drivers leave on the side of the road, food left overs, foam containers, drink bottles and let's not forget the plastic bags laying everywhere.
  2. My Thai isn't that great but I know important words such as numbers etc. I also know all the bad words fluently as I just copy her indoors when she throws an Issarn wobbly.
  3. After trying 3 other VPN's which gave me the same problem I believe it has something to do with the IP address in each respective VPN. I thought all our data was anonymous.
  4. Hey Captain, before you take any drastic action I think you need to take a good look at Bob, without Bob sanity would return here.
  5. Thanks for your reply mate but please don't mention gambling as it's a no no in a sacred non gambling country such as Thailand.
  6. Firstly thanks for your reply, I'd install a new VPN right away if was sure that I won't have the same problem again. I've also noticed that my wifi connection is very slow lately. Could this also be a factor?
  7. Hi all, I tried to open 3 different websites this morning and they all stated a Geo Graphic - location problem. I've been accessing these same sites using a VPN since I moved to Thailand many years ago. Are these changes caused by the local laws here, my VPN or even the laws in Australia? Has anyone got any ideas how to rectify this? Thanks.
  8. I tried to open the TAB and Sportsbet websites this morning without success. I tried them on 2 different VPN's but I was denied access on both. I've never been denied access on these betting sites using either of the VPN's before. As I still own a few greyhounds and have small shares in racehorses this way of betting has been a great help since I moved to Thailand many years ago. I still have money in both accounts but as from this morning I can't access those accounts.
  9. Why is it that people with neutral views on US politics are criticized by both political parties, more so by the Trump followers.
  10. Being a Thai female she would've been carrying her iphone, so why didn't she open the torch feature? Then again she was probably watching YouTube and neglected where she placed her feet. I'm an ex plumber and air aircon worker who never went into unknown territory without any safety devices.
  11. I know from experience that daughters in Thailand have kids and leave them with granny for whatever reasons, Boys here especially are treated like little gods by their grannies. As time goes on junior gets into his teens and hasn't got a clue what's right or wrong. Once they hit their 20's they can become uncontrollable beasts. All that was needed was an occasional slap in there formative years. My step daughter is shacked up with one.
  12. I've been using Kasikorn Bank for 22 years, over that time I've found their services ok. The banks latest brain fart is a slider when logging in online. There's no arrow or indication suggesting which direction the slider should be moved to, any ideas? Thanks.
  13. I got hammered last night but I did survive.
  14. At 80 years of age joining the old mans club doesn't worry but what I don't understand is how it's only really been noticeable in the last 6 months.
  15. Hey Kinok I agree with you. I couldn't careless if this reptile was president again. What worries me is the consequences to other countries. If both of the major parties stick by Biden and Trump then looking to the future what's in store for the American people.
  16. Of course they are. Ok it's a special time for Buddhist but let people make their own a choice. I'd bet big money that the Thai governments members bar isn't shut on special Buddhist days. It's just another hub that Thailand can claim, that is the hub of hypocrisy.
  17. You should hang your head in shame bob living in a " devout " Buddhist country. Some much for my sarcasm get smashed tonight like Thais do when no ones looking.
  18. If it was a substantial monetary fine, then the BIB's would be all over it. It's rather difficult to make a decent earner for the BIB's given the petty fines here.
  19. I must admit what I used to do all night takes me all night to do now.
  20. In my younger does I drank beer and whiskey but as I've got older I drink beer only.
  21. Hi all, I don't socialize like I used to probably due to the fact that my age is catching up with me. I was a very heavy drinker for many years with no health problems, I worked hard and drank hard. Nowadays I drink a few beers and I start feeling the pinch. Several more I'm on my way to getting wrecked. Have others gone through this same thing as me as they've become older. I must admit I didn't realize till now how much money I blew on the piss in my younger days.
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